Medical doctors come up for new "diseases" daily. Not because any of them are real but because then they can get you addicted on more dangerous, toxic drugs that eventually kill you.
That's why I recently pondered, why haven't people begun to shoot all the doctors, yet?
One of the "diseases" they've recently made up is ADD. Or Attention Deficit Disorder.
If you are unlucky enough to be a child in a government indoctrination camp and can't stand sitting still for eight hours a day while they make you memorize propaganda you will likely be deemed to have somehow contracted the ADD virus!
And then, those very same doctors, will get your kid addicted to meth amphetamine.
Nice, right?
Well, here's the thing, ADD isn't a disease. If Tommy can't handle listening to BS for 8 hours a day he is showing signs of being human.
Yes there is a lot of noise in our lives today. We are inundated with information constantly.
But the cure isn't meth. Or medication. Just change one letter in that word and you have the cure: meditation.
Hear more about how important it is to do in today's world:
Or just do meth. It's your choice. I really recommend meditation over meth.
But it's your kid.

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Those are pointless provocations to hire more police and put webcams in our bedrooms.
Been doing this for a year now. One of the best decisions I have made. I am more focused and creative now, less self-conscious. Living feels more effortless.
That's it. I am going to practice meditation. Thanks.
Programming the mind ... love your walks, thank you!..

The gif with the most truth ive seen
That sums it up!
pretty much !! :)
Nice thinking!
Praying is talking to the soul, mediating is listening to soul.
Some practical tips on how to start meditating as well - enjoy!
I went on a mindfulness course a few years ago, that was really good. Meditation is amazing. I should do it more often .. Thanks for the inspiration to start over!
Jeff thanks for uploading these so frequently they've been really fun and informative to watch.
Meditation: the key to ride the bumps of life.
I'm another living example of the point you're making here. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a a kid and prescribed focalin to deal with the problem. All it did was jack my heart rate up and kill my appetite. Nothing worked for me until I started a daily yoga/meditation practice. Keep spreading the word!
I totally agree. I have some podcasts on the subject I will try to share.
Meditation is my jam right now!!! Feels like the most important thing because as the singularity point makes nature more and more known, words will fail by escalating proportions.
The strongest prayers are without words. We think that the holiness to which we serve wants our words? Something wilder than your biggest imaginations does not need silly words getting in its way.
Breath is the only thing ~ Stretch ~ Breathe ~ Let Things Go ~ Look At The Stars ~
I wonder if our minds will ever adapt to increasing amount of information out there. It's like, what will happen in 20 or 50 years when the next generation has to deal with VR and AR technologies. It's just madness the amount of information overload our minds have to deal with.
I know in some schools meditation is actually taught as part of their curriculum!
Insightful article as usual Jeff~
I think they will adapt, but in the meantime we can expect millions of disoriented, medicated people struggling to find their balance. It's sad and unfortunate, but we are still in the initial stages of our evolution when it comes to information.
socialists are trying to control the content on steemit!!!!! https://steemit.com/steemit/@baronious/the-libtards-have-arrived
Yeah people want instant gratification which doesn't help the ADD and ADHD epidemic. The answer is so simple, to just disconnect, however most people feel as if they can't.
Relaxing, calming, following your inhale and exhale, stay with the present NOW. You will be find...this is just me... when I felt pressure, I just counted my inhale and exhale for a minute.... thereafter, I felt great!
When I first started meditating I couldn't quiet my mind, so I used guided meditations from Youtube and that helped a lot. Also, the simple mantra "Om" (pronounced aum) is very helpful when you can't quiet your mind. When you say it properly the vibration you feel in your forehead from saying it, helps to "awaken" your pineal gland (your third eye).
Also, focusing on your chakras and envisioning their colors and them opening is a great way to keep your mind quiet.
I have found that since I started eating almost all fruits for my nutrition, my meditations are amazing. I can't imagine not meditating at this point in my life.
Crystals can help drop you in and help amplify vibration.
Ask your chef about Wheatgrass, moranga, blue alge.
Keep it up Jeff
The root chakra is at ankles not base of spine. Try it.
makes sense. feet.. roots...
Many things in psychology can not be objectively proven like they can in physics. ADD is real but just overdiagnosed IMO. It is not black or white. Some people have the ability to overcome their mild ADD whereas others do not. As someone with a mild case of ADD who just tried Aderall recently, I can definitely see that some people DO need this. It gave me the ability to do things I normally don't have the energy to focus on. It's hard for me to get started. Unfortunately it keeps me up all night or I would take it regularly. For certain people, the risk to reward is definitely justified. You should NOT live your life at a disadvantage just because it would serve people's agendas if you meditate instead. It makes you so much of a better person not to take aderall huh? Grow up. Weigh out the choices. Trying it once won't kill you. Take advantage of all the technology that exists. You wanna talk vaccines? We have some agreement. But don't go after one of the FEW successful pharmaceuticals out there. It's a pill that makes you smarter. It's pretty fucking remarkable.
Meditation is great as it offers a great time to temporarily check-out of the material world, clearing your mind for some deeper thinking. Stressful after work?: clear your head and think about the positive things and unwind. Relationship problems?: take a break from your concerns and think about family and friends. The break from reality to have some time in your thoughts offers some key advantages and not much is lost by dedicating at least 5 minutes per day to try it.
Today’s life is full of stress, which further influences our day to day activities. Meditation helps in reducing stress by affecting your nervous system. Meditation reduces the production of stress related hormones like cortisol and increases the production of good chemicals like serotonin.
I'd suggest some Eckhart Tolle
Really enjoyed your walk and talk. I've never even tried meditating before,in fact i hardly know any thing about it.But it does sound very beneficial and it's got me interested,will give it ago
Thanks for another great post. I think meditation is more important now than ever with the information overload so many people are dealing with. It's made a huge difference for me.
ive been starting meditating and i can tell it is such an incredible practice really underrated.
Dis-ease. Meditation puts people at ease and restores balance. Focus on the breath as you quiet the body and mind then you could train it by cultivating pure awareness.
i will try this
Meditation can be one of the best habits one can attain. It's sad that too many overlook meditation. Brainwashed fuckers think it's bullshit anyway.
Recently started meditating and still learning on how do it. It is very difficult to control your mind and stop it from going on tangents. I definitely feel positive about it though and hope by doing more I will improve :)!
I agree! My goal in life is called Buddhism with Movement ~ Sometimes I notice thoughts and I just remind myself that I don't think with words and I go back to the zen place of pure perceiving ~ It is definitely an art form and there are neat tools like yoga and just always breathing deep !~!~!
Yeah I completely agree well the one I have tried is called raja yoga, I think I need to start doing this at home too really, feel like I need the guidance at first though!
The last thing you want to do in meditation is control your mind! Don't try and stop your mind from doing anything! Simply watch, observe, be a witness and just notice the thoughts, briefly acknowledge (recognize), and return to your breath, in/out....Eventually, you will recognize imagery, the motion pictures of your mind, witness the images and return to your breath (that is your right and left hemispheres syncing) then one day something will happen! You will notice a GAP ! An empty space will arise......It won't last, it never does, but sometimes one can extend the amount of time consciousness spends in the gap.......
heal thyself my friend
Meth or eth, which is worse?
Starting Mindfulness!
Great timing. I just posted a blog and video about how to meditate. It's the most powerful way to unplug from the matrix. https://steemit.com/psychology/@flexifriday/video-simple-way-to-meditate-now-no-excuses-people
I have been waiting for this post so I could up-vote and re-steem.
So true ... We r taught as children all doctors know how to help us & do not question them ,all teachers know it all& care,all police officers are to be listened to ...all ppl in authority are correct & not to be questioned then we grow up & realize they r human & make mistakes & we must do our homework b4 listening to them
Skills not pills. Couldn't agree more.
'Agree - just started doing meditation - its not easy to unwind my mind and switch off, but i am slowly, very slowly, working my way towards being able to turn off and be still , and let the love and light shine through - I am still a work in progress with this :)
Thanks for sharing your wisdom.Appreciate it mate~
Good to see the human race (slowly) wake up !
Nice one there jeff, meditation is a secrete therapy for healthy living if can utilize it well.ask a therapist, maybe jeff is one.lol. thanks for sharing wealth of knowledge in health.
It has become as standard as getting braces for American kids to take ADD stuff. People even get it from their friends to help them "concentrate"more.
Hope to be living like you one day......hoping VERI and PPT tokens pan out and can live off the proclaimed renting and buying invoices or whatever....anyways fingers crossed. Love ur walk vids makes me relaxed just watching them. Thx
That's right mate, a healthy body for a healthy mind
I was one of those ADD kids, and now with 3 years of veggie diet and juicing I will never take another ADD pill. Mediation has become my daily morning ritual as well for the last 2 years. I can attest that these two changes will change your life. I'm 35 and own a business working from home can be a challenge. Great Post.
yes, the world is mass up
I totally agree with you.. sometime if the physical treatment wont work you just need to put your mind at peace that would give you the most result..
You sound like me when it comes to this topic, but in terms of getting people to actually do it, good luck! I don't know why, but most people cannot meditate.
I disagree. It's not that most people "can't" meditate it's that it isn't important enough to them. And/or they don't understand how much it will help them. At first meditation is difficult because we aren't use to sitting quietly, doing nothing for 30 minutes or more unless we are sleeping. But if one eases into it and dedicates themselves to it, anyone can meditate.
meditation is useful, especially when emotional control is ended - since it allows stuck emotion to move.. so that means being open to moving the body as a response to what surfaces internally.
yoga as an overall balancing system for meditation is very useful indeed - i posted on it in depth recently, check it out if you like.
42 seconds in, something about your mind controling you...yes