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RE: Finding a space where vegans and meat eaters can agree to differ, and still be friends

in #health7 years ago

This really is a touchy subject. What it boils down to though is respect. We have to respect each others' decisions and we have to realize that there are reasons why other people chose the things they chose. Really though, dictating our own lifestyle on others is not the way to go, and while we can tell people its benefits, it's ultimately up to them whether they'll choose to follow that or now. I like the commonalities you stated here, Deb. I think it effectively shows that we're all not so different in terms of what we choose to it. Great write-up!


Hiya! I thought you'd be too busy with wedding prep to have time for much commenting, so good to see you here. You've summed up my point very succinctly. Respect and understanding that we can't know what is best for another person. Hope your week is going well.

I am haha! I just try to sneak in some Steemit time especially to comment on my friends' posts.

It's been really stressful, but we're trying to hang on. Only a few more days and the stress would be all behind us haha! Hopefully...