Veganism and Protein 🤔

in #health7 years ago


The protein boom has been ongoing for several years, and it has harmed many people's sense of reality a bit. For example says that I should eat 135 grams of protein a day in order to maintain my current physique. That's a lot, way more than enough. There's always debate, but studies have shown that the maximum amount of protein human body can utilize in a day is approximately 1.8 g/body weight (in kg), meaning the maximum for me would be around 104 grams a day. What I want to address by this intro is that stressing about your protein intake is most likely unnecessary.

One of the most frequent question a vegan receives is "where do you get your protein from?" Even though it can be a frustrating one to hear over and over again, let's try to understand. From early on, we've been taught that meat and daily are the only sources of protein (at least in Finland), and moreover, there still are plenty of people thinking that a vegan diet contains nothing but rice and veggies. Therefore, let's take a look how easy it is to have enough protein on a plant-based diet:

Nutritional yeast - protein content per 100g: 50g

Soya mince, dry - protein content per 100g: 50g

Peanut butter - protein content per 100g: 25g

Lentils, dry - protein content per 100g: 24g

Tofu, firm - protein content per 100g: 16g

Rolled oats - protein content per 100g: 14g

Whole wheat pasta, dry - protein content per 100g: 14g

Different kinds of beans (kidney, black, brown etc.), canned - protein content per 100g: 8g

Chickpeas/garbanzo beans, canned - protein content per 100g: 6g

Green peas - protein content per 100g: 5g

Soy milk - protein content per 100g: 3g

Were some of these surprising to you, the protein content of cereal products perhaps? That is just a list of a few staples in my own diet, but surely there's plenty more! Simply by eating a variety of delicious plant foods, there's no need to stress about your protein intake. 😉

-Jasmin ❤


Thank you for sharing this post. Love it.

Glad you liked it @ralotle! 😊

I love getting this question as a vegan. An easy answer is "everywhere"... Thanks for sharing this post. It was very informative.

That's not only an easy answer but also an accurate one. Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you liked this post! :)

Great post! Personally i like to get a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight cos its keeps me satiated and full. If i eat lower portions of protein, i substitute it with carbs and other unhealthy snacks which is not good for my cutting plan.

It's great that you've found out what works for you! I hope you all the best with your cutting plan, but remember not to be too hard with yourself, occasional treats won't harm your progress in the long run! 😊

Haha thanks!

Jasmin, so yummy, so delicious, love rice, beans, tacos, vegan stuff.

Vegan food surely is delicious! 😋

I may not be vegan but I am so glad somebody tackled this subject. For too long people are being mislead that not only is protein bad for you, but that you can supposedly only find it in meat and dairy. Good on you for taking on this subject!

I believe that little by little this way of thinking is disappearing, which is great! Yet, there still are plenty of people either not knowing or not believing the obvious. But changes take time, we'll have to be patient!
Thanks for stopping by! :)

Girl, I didn't just stop by. We're connected now. #Followed. Your content was way too amazing to dare miss out on.

This made me smile so bright, thank you! It's always a pleasure to find like-minded people! :)