Yeah, I love it, but I don't do it a ton. Would like to do it more, my GF and I can do some together, but she's quite muscly and solid herself, and I don't always feel comfortable trying stuff out as her base. But we could still do it more =) I've been inspired watching Cheyne and other acro people on here.
Sacramento is nice! Did you grow up there?
No. I'm originally from Texas. aww that's awesome! Cheyne is my BF. He's pretty cool :) I've learn a lot from Cheyne, he's a badass base. I'm starting to base now too... just not people Cheyne's size. :P Where do you live now?
oh groovy!! very cool =) yeah he looks like a badass base, I live in western Montana, outside of Helena. we have lots of gorgeous mountains, good beer, pretty wonderful people, and everything is a 2hr drive :P
How fun. If you are ever in Sacramento, be sure to hit us up! We can all play together :)
yay!!!! I want to!