Do not like to exercise? It is possible that laziness, lack of interest or time are common pretexts. At least those are some of the justifications given by sedentary people to answer why physical activity is out of their lives.
If you are sedentary but want to start doing some physical activity, these routines are for you.
In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), despite the fact that physical inactivity is one of the main risk factors for mortality worldwide, especially because of its relationship with cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes, the statistics are cold: one in four adults does not do enough physical activity.
The recommendation, in that sense, is to practice at least 150 minutes (2 hrs. 30 mins) a week of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes (1 hr. 15 mins) in the same period with more intensity. But as you have to start step by step, from less to more, you can follow a simple routine of exercises to do in a short time and without so much effort. Of course, this is only a recommendation. Ideally, if you want to start to get out of sedentary lifestyle, it is advised to seek professionals in the area of personal fitness and exercise programs.
Legs Elevation
With this exercise you work the lower abdomen. A mat is used and you should lie on your back. Then put your hands behind your lower back and your legs should bend to about 40 degrees. Then raise and lower your legs without touching the ground. This exercise is done from 30 to 40 repetitions x three to four times.
Rotation of trunk
This practice is used to work the abs and obliques.
A broomstick (any stick) is used and it is placed behind the neck; tightened the abdomen and turn from left to right for a minute of four or five times.
Exercise for the abdomen and leg
You should put one foot on a step or platform and the other on the ground, then go up and down 15 times. Repeat this exercise with the other leg x 4 times.
Muscle contraction
This activity helps the abdominal area. Lying face down on a mat, rest on the elbows and on the tip of the feet and hold for a minute. Do this exercise 10 repetitions.
Leg Exercise
Again in this exercise it is recommended to use a broomstick to make the practice more intense. This focuses on the quadriceps and glutes. First you should put the broomstick behind the back of the neck, the position of the feet should go to the width of the shoulders and then flex and stretch the legs, like squats, doing four sets of 15 repetitions.
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Yeah, simple at home exercises can be done in sooo many ways. Due to time constraints I do a combination of medium to high cardio at home, with some muscle toning exersises included. You don't need anything other than a chair to get going and get a well balanced full body workout, helping with both cardio and muscle tone. People should Really look at exercising a bit. You don't need too much time and once you get going those happy endorfins start kicking in and you're not only healthier but happier too. I over voted so I'm giving my power some recovery time :( Next time!!!