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RE: The Prison of Depression

in #health8 years ago

I like this Alcatraz trivia story about the chocolate factory ^^ but seriously, yes, depression is a tragic state. However, I would like to know if depression is a creation of our modern world. You never hear about depression before the XXth century...


absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

Well said, well said.

I think a little of that is true. I have a post in the works that will explore this very issue.

I'm sure it was there... it probably was thought of as people just feeling sorry for themselves... it wasn't even acknowledged as a medical condition until recently...

Pharmaceutical companies discovered a way to profit by creating mental "diseases" to go along with their new depression pills. So much is unknown about how the brain processes trauma - the mental kind. I'm a big believer in trying to find the root of the problem (a catastrophic childhood, etc.) and sorting things from there. We can't put a bandaid on and hope it will go away on its own.

Interesting... so you are of the belief that there are no mental "diseases"?

Hmm - that one is tricky. I do believe in mental illness for sure. Mental disease - whatever you want to call it. I believe that sometimes wires get crossed in ways they shouldn't, either from before birth of due to trauma in childhood. I think it's important to try to get at the root of the "dis" ease. I also believe medication has helped millions of people, so I am not one of those who thinks psychiatry is the devil incarnate. Bu I don't think there is such thing as a "cure" to depression. I think each of us who suffers can get well, but not without the work it takes. And that may mean confronting things you wish would go away without having to face.