Hello, My Name is Dr. Ben and I'm a breast cancer researcher!
Please help me get this important breast cancer prevention research article, that I did several years ago, finally published. It's the second paper of a 2 part series. The first article was accepted in the Journal of Breast Cancer Prevention which is now called the Journal of Cancer Prevention and Current Research (JCPCR). I feel that this research is so important that I did it with minimal funding and have just this month worked off paying for the first article which I paid extra for to make it open access so that people could read it without having to have a journal subscription or pay a fee to see it. http://medcraveonline.com/JCPCR/JCPCR-06-00191.pdf Now that I finally got the background paper done and published and paid for, the journal is ready to publish my second paper. This paper is the more important one which is directly related to Breast Cancer Prevention as it discusses iodine in milk. Iodine, along with detoxing fluoride and heavy metals such as mercury, is the most important factor necessary for breast cancer prevention, therapy and even cure using holistic rather than mainstream cut and burn approach. I'm only $650 away from being able to publish this article open access, but if I raise more form you upvoting I can use it for lab equipment and more research so please share and keep those up votes coming! I've decided to post the paper draft on Steemit to try to raise money from Breast Cancer Research Supporters. The great thing is that you don't need any money, just make a Steem account for free, log in and "like" (they call it "up vote") this article. If enough people do it then they will pay me in Steem cryptocurrency which I can convert to USD to get this article published.
What that means ladies is that when you are craving ice cream (high milk fat items like cream and cheese) when pregnant we finally know why! Your body wants iodine to pump into the breast milk for the baby's brain and nervous system development! If the breast doesn't get enough iodine it gets mad and can get masses from infection causing cancer. If you don't get iodine you might need a mastectomy! Save the Boobs! Learn about iodine and tell your girlfriends! Men can get breast cancer too! Since the breast tissue is very similar to thyroid tissue, iodine deficiency is usually the reason why you have thyroid and ovarian problems as well and are at risk for those as well if you are at risk for breast cancer!
I hope you enjoy this article draft and will support my Breast Cancer Research by upvoting it so that I can get it published in the Journal of Cancer Prevention and Current Research.
President iMedDo Health Supplements www.imeddo.com
healthwarrior@imeddo.comI'm also the founder, President and chemist who bottles iMedDo Ultimate Fluoride &Heavy Metal Detox System featuring NeuIodine(tm), NeuSilver(tm), and NeuGold(tm) www.imeddo.com. I'm currently writing a white paper on NeuIodine(tm) explaining how it is the best iodine health supplement and system using the NeuSilver(tm) and NeuGold(tm) to detox with it it safely even for people who are afraid to detox such as the elderly and other people who need the safest most gentle and effective detox possible. However, I need this paper published first which talks about iodine in milk chemistry from back when I was head chemist for another company as important background paper. I would really appreciate your help by showing your support by sharing this to your communities and by mashing that upvote button. Thankyou, Dr. Ben. https://www.linkedin.com/in/bengoins/
thanks for spreading awareness
No problem. If this model of funding research through Steem works then it will be revolutionary as it will allow scientists to perform independent research just as it is making it possible for independent journalists to make living! Steem On!