habib92 health information,Do you know Strawberry is helpful in saving a heart attack? Yes, because potassium is found in strawberries in strawberry, and potassium helps better organize electrodites in the human body, which reduces the risk of heart ,attack and stroke. Strawberry, includes foliage, which is the basic ingredient in red blood cell or red blood cells.
Because sourabriers can be eaten in different foods, but it is better to eat it as fruit. Eating strawberry with breakfast, you need energy for all day. Strawberry is not always greasy because it is the best source of diet to reduce weight. Research has shown that one cup strawberry contains only 0.6 grams of fat or fat. It reduces hunger and stimulates metabolicism which helps in improving the bodybuilding hormones in the body,
Strawberry is the best source of vitamin C and it contains more vitamins than the trash. Due to this feature, it helps prevent many types of cancer and control bad blood cholesterol,,.,
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healthy and tasty food strawberry
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