How To Get Rid Of Excess Water In The Body

in #health7 years ago

Hello dear friends!

You surely feel sometimes bloated and fat, but you are on diet and it's not possible to gain any fat. Reason for that is water retention in your organism.
You can gain water in your body because of many reasons... It can be because of too long staying on your foot, if it's too hot outside, if you eat spicy and over-salted food...

It is more often occurs in women because of genetics and some monthly changes in women's body. Because of that women's felt bloated more often, so, men's, be careful those days of the month ;))

How To Get Rid Of Excess Water In The Body?

As I already said, there are many reasons which can cause water retention. But let's specify the major couples:
  • long-standing or sitting
  • unhealthy and over-salted food (salt is major substance to bring the water in the body, so if there is much more salt then the body need, it will cause a water retention.
  • you can feel water retention in your joints and legs if it's too hot.
  • PMS (for the girls - these days in the month can cause bloating and water retention.)

Maybe this will sound crazy and weird, but it is true and try to remember it - The more water you drink, the more you will get rid of it

We can get rid of water in couple ways.

I will write now how to get rid of it and what do I prefer.

Healthy and balanced food

Healthy food without much sodium will help you the best to get rid of water. This is also my favorite way to get rid of it. Every kind of healthy food rich in antioxidants and fibers can help you to throw the water out. (any kind of salads, tomato, cucumber, lemon, ginger...)

Oatmeal can also help you to get rid of water because they are rich in good carbs which will bind the water and will increase metabolism.

Green tea is also a great solution for water retention.
Also, any smoothie or herb tea can help you to get rid of water.


Jogging, walking, boxing, cycling... Any kind of exercise is great if you gained some water to get rid of it. With drinking lot's of water and exercising, you will sweet excess water from body fast for sure.

When I have water retention, I also feel strong pain in my back. Honestly, I don't know the exact reason for that... I don't even know is it connected with water retention or is it coincidence, but I want to warn you that it is possible to feel pain as I feel just because of excess water in the body and joints.

If I have excess water in the body, I try to eat less carbohydrates and to drink more green tea and water. I'm also trying to reduce sodium (salt) intake to the minimum and to workout harder. Results are there already after 1-2 days. So, keep your body healthy and try to avoid excess water in your body, organism and joints... You will feel much better :))


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