How dark chocolate is good for your health

in #health5 years ago

Helps with depression


Chocolate contains various substances that affect mood:

Theobromine. It energizes and helps lower blood pressure. However, a surge of energy can be followed by fatigue, so some call chocolate a dangerous addictive substance.

Anandamide. In structure, it is similar to tetrahydrocannabinol contained in hemp, but acts softer. It improves mood and invigorates without causing addiction and without harming the heart and blood vessels, unlike other stimulants.

Phenylethylamine. In the body, it turns into serotonin - one of the most important mood-regulating chemicals.

Protects against cardiovascular disease

Regular use of cocoa helps fight diseases of the cardiovascular system. This is confirmed by a study conducted in 2006, during which 470 participants consumed a different amount of cocoa per day. Scientists have found that cocoa really reduces the risk of heart disease.

In another study, it was found that almost all components of cocoa - theobromine, numerous polyphenols and antioxidants - have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

May help fight diabetes


Chocolate improves the functioning of the endothelium (cells forming the inner layer of blood vessels) and increases insulin sensitivity. Endothelium is very important for the health of arteries, and the risk of diabetes is usually determined by insulin sensitivity .

Of course, to protect yourself from diabetes, you need to eat dark chocolate with low sugar content.

May prevent stroke

Recently, a study was published that found that chocolate reduces the likelihood of a stroke. For decades, scientists have monitored the health of those who often consume chocolate and those who completely abandoned it. In total, researchers compared the performance of more than 20,000 people.

Of course, the results of such studies cannot be considered unambiguous. Perhaps those who ate a lot of chocolate have other common habits that have affected the low likelihood of a stroke.

Affects cholesterol

Chocolate prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol - one of the causes of atherosclerosis. When this cholesterol is oxidized, low density lipoproteins (LDL) react in the body. They harm the arteries and internal organs and can even cause cancer .

Antioxidants, which are rich in chocolate, are considered a means of combating active LDL.

Lowers blood pressure


Scientists at Harvard University analyzed 24 studies of the properties of chocolate and concluded that dark chocolate (with a cocoa content of 50–70%) lowers blood pressure. It is especially useful for those who already suffer from hypertension.

Helps with coughing

Theobromine contained in cocoa reduces the activity of the vagus nerve - an area of ​​the brain whose activation causes coughing attacks.

Scientists have found that chocolate suppresses coughs more effectively than conventional cold medicines - even those that contain codeine, which have a low narcotic effect.

To do this, they conducted an experiment in which participants were offered various cough suppressants. One group was given the usual medicine with codeine, the second was given theobromine, and the third was given a placebo. Participants were then exposed to capsaicin, a burning substance found in chili peppers. Theobromine drug group needed a third more capsaicin to start coughing.

Useful during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is a risk of preeclampsia, a condition where the blood supply to the fetus is complicated or completely stops. This is due to the increase in blood pressure that is natural for pregnancy. Scientists have found that regular chocolate intake can reduce the risk of preeclampsia by lowering blood pressure.

During the study, one group of women consumed chocolate with a high content of flavonoids, and the other with low. Positive results were noted in both groups.

Stimulates brain function

Frequent consumption of high-quality chocolate improves the ability to process information, visual-figurative and abstract thinking, operational memory.

British psychologists from the University of Northumbria conducted a study and found that the chocolate flavonoids help count in the mind. During the experiment, the ability of participants to count before and after they drank a cup of hot cocoa was compared.

Is a source of antioxidants

Antioxidants fight free radicals in the body - particles associated with the onset of cancer.

Scientists have calculated the relative antioxidant activity index (Relative Antioxidant Capacity Index), isolating antioxidants from chocolate and checking their effect on free radicals. The results showed that outside the human body they effectively cope with free radicals


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