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RE: Fat People

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I use this one for links, but the article itself is out of date. Obesity is up to 36% now. I think it was 28% in 2006 when this was written.

The links there take you to many of the government sites where this info is tracked. See the CDC website under US Mortality Causes and Rates and the UN Report on US Population Statistics and Projections. It has been a couple of years since I looked at least, so I would think all the numbers are higher now.

When I did look, I noticed many other deaths from "Inflammatory" chronic diseases commonly suffered by obese people. That is where I work now. I try to get people to stop consuming poison to heal and have better quality of life before they die.

I don't do research into the numbers too much anymore. Seven out of ten Americans are obese or overweight now (CDC Obesity/Overweight Stats). The US used to be second in obesity to Mexico, but surpassed them on the last update.

The people I work with are desperate in their own obesity and don't care about statistics. If I see photos of crowds in the US - I see fat people, so I know my help is needed.


gotta love fanatics..