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RE: Fat People

in #health7 years ago

I work to help people avoid the poisonous food supply. I consider obese and sick people to be victims of the lies told by the evil-doers manipulating the food commonly available.

Many of the additives in the food supply are toxic endocrine disruptors and addictive. This information is plainly stated on the fda website, yet still this garbage is in 80-90% of the food supply and not reported on or generally known.

The average person has a very hard time breaking free since they are not even aware of the danger. This is the mission I am on - trying to help other people know they are being poisoned and help them learn the steps that will let them break free.

Stress and fast living are definitely a part of the problem. However I disagree with the laziness stigma. Living an obese life is a very hard road. Obese people are exhausted just by getting out of bed in the morning and trying to get ready for the day. They do not have the ability to do better while under this pressure.

My method when I coach people is to add nutrition, rest and exercise. It works like a charm if people try, but unfortunately few do. Poison sucks.