How to Start a Perfect Day !!!

in #health6 years ago

How to Start a Perfect Day !!!

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For those of us who follow a sedentary lifestyle, mornings can be hard. But, getting out of bed and welcoming the sun can be advantageous to our mental as well as physical health. Healthy morning routines help to make the start of the day an amazing one. So, here are some ways in which healthy morning routines can be followed. Do you get up from bed being overwhelmed by the many things that you have to do during the day? Clearly, it isn’t the best start. So, think about that one most important thing that you must accomplish during the day and make sure that you tackle it first.

Eat a healthy breakfast :
Make sure that you eat something before you head to work. Eating breakfast is one of the most healthy morning routines that you should have. A good, filling breakfast will jumpstart your metabolism and boost you with the appropriate amount of energy. If your choice of foods is healthy, half the battle is won. Fruits as well as foods rich in proteins can work wonders.
Meditate :
There is a reason why every third person you meet recommends meditation to bring peace into your life. Meditation helps you to count your blessings, and if you have the resources to read this right now, you are quite blessed. Meditation brings you to put attention on the good stuff in your life instead of the bad stuff that may be bloating your mind with negativity.
Get moving :
Exercise is the next best thing after meditation to get a peace of mind. Exercising can get the blood to run faster and circulated freely throughout your body. Besides, it makes one feel way better. If you like to take a stroll outside, you could jog, run or take a walk and if you like to stay indoors in the mornings, try yoga, light intensity exercises like push-ups.
Let the ones you love know that you love them :
Do not be hesitant to express your feelings to those people that you love the most in your life, be it your partner, siblings or parents. Saying something so simple has the power to make people happy. And there cannot be a more cathartic feeling than that of making someone close to you happy. Following these healthy morning routines can work wonders for your mind as well as body, but it is important to stay consistent with the routine. An irregular healthy morning routine does not help. In fact, it may seem the same sedentary life as it always was. So, get started today and start moving towards a better, healthier, happier life.

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I don't have breakfast in tje morning..... I just have a glass of bournvita 😊