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RE: The Greatest Medical Hoax In The History Of Medicine-did you fall for it?

in #health6 years ago

bitch ain't it?
sugar is's everywhere...
and carbs are worse.

My current diet is meat and raw vegetables...only.
It hard..but I'm loosing weight...dunno about the other health issues but what have I got to loose?


The toughest part of the ketogenic diet for me was the minimal amout of protein. For my weight it was the equivalent of 2 hard boiled eggs a day. All day. A tiny portion of chicken or fish or meat. Fasting works better for me. Just water/black coffee for a few days and then I skip breakfast and do low-carb to keep it off. Down 50 pounds now for a year and a half.

minimal protein? what nonsense is that?
my diet is 'vegatable is what food vegatables raw'...lots of meat...all I can afford...lots of fat, dairy, cheese etc..

only cook the meat (and eggs)...everything else raw.

Our bodies are versatile. We can manufacture glucose/glycogen from two macro-nutrients: carbohydrate and protein. I learned this from the physiological testing and research done for two books that I've read: The Complete Guide to Fasting by Dr. Jason Fung and Fat for Fuel by Dr. Joseph Mercola. Limiting protein while eating all the green veggies and fat you want simulates a fasting condition in the body for healing purposes. You also lose tons of weight. Eating the stuff raw is recommended in Mercola's book. Glucose is cancer's favorite fuel. That was discovered by Otto Warberg for which he won a nobel prize in physiology in the early 1930's. Fasting forces the body to fuel itself with ketones or a state of ketosis. That is why it so effectively manages cancer. Dr. Thomas Seyfried is the leading biologist for this effort. He has youtube videos and also a book Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. It's expensive though $90 on Amazon and is not yet available for Kindle.

hunter gatherers were in ketosis all the time.
when agriculture was invented carbs become the norm and people 'switched states'...which was not healthy.

Agreed. However, if the hunt didn't go well they fasted until it did. People on that show naked and afraid some times go the whole three weeks without sustenance. No one has died yet else it would have made world news. On the third day of a water-only fast hunger pangs stop. The fourth day of a water only fast is hard to describe. A feeling of euphoria is best. You are no longer hungry, your head is amazingly clear. Artists today use the fourth day to do their best work.

what show?
Note: hunter gathers existed over 12,000 years ago...we have very little data on them.

Most doctors are naive on anything to do with the physiology of how the body feeds the mitochondrial system. Too much protein in the diet causes a process called glyconeogenesis to convert that excess protein into glycogen. The body can then convert glycogen into glucose which stops ketosis and the burning of body fat. That is why the last 20-30% of the weight loss in a low-carb diet to reach a goal is so challenging. At my current 204# according to the .7-.9 grams per pound of weight I should eat only about a third of a pound of protein a day to stay in ketosis. A true keto diet is the toughest diet I think you could be on. I've done it for two days now plus fasting until supper. Last night I had about two cups of green beans sauteed in bacon grease and sprinkled with Old Bay season salt with 5 ounces of my homemade Canadian bacon topped with American cheese. I also had about two cups of cherry tomatoes with plenty of salt and pepper. On a true keto diet the need for fat is high otherwise your assisdragon with low energy. How to eat enough fat without adding protein or carbohydrate gave rise to the fat ball. I use a mixture of coconut oil, chocolate, vanilla, butter, and Stevia packets. Ketosis gives the body the rest it needs to cure/arrest disease or to prevent disease. It also makes fasting easier because less hunger pangs.

sounds complicated.
my rule of thumb is that the meat (fish, fowl) is cooked.
Everything else I eat raw.
Right now I'm eating a 'refergerator salad'....
I put a double handful of chopped lettuce into a big bowl...and dumped left overs from the fridge into it. (steak, boiled eggs, onion, bell peppers, cheese, etc)...
spice to taste.

I eat a lot of salads....seems to work.

What ever works for you, sir! At least now, if you hit a point where it gets tough, you know why (gylconeogenesis) and can cut back on the protein a bit. Last night I probably had a little too much protein, but the most remarkable effect that a true ketogenic diet has had on me only a few days into it is the way I fell rested in the morning. Recovery from a stroke takes up to a year and I've been concerned because when I get up in the morning I don't fell as rested as I think I should. That has changed, big time. I feel like I can do a lot more in a day. I'll let you know if it's a new trend or an anomaly. By doing true keto and eating one meal a day (supper) I've lost 6 pounds in four days giving me a total weight loss now of 56 pounds sine January 2017. I have not dieted that whole time though. When I didn't feel like fasting I just maintained the weight loss by skipping breakfast.

you feel rested?
My GAWD! is that possible? I go to sleep and wake up more tired than before...sometimes.
I have 'cycles'. Sometimes I sleep over 30 hrs in a two day period...sometimes only I stay awake for thirty hours. I'm on a CPAP machine for sleep apneia....have been for a few years. At first it worked pretty well. At that time I couldn't stay awake for more than two or three hours at a time...

So something is off kilter. I told the doc last week...he gave me the standard answer.
I'm over weight.

What do they tell people that are NOT overweight, don't drink or smoke?

My wife complained that I stopped breathing during sleep now and then. I realized that when I wasn't breathing I was actually holding my breath. I was dreaming about being under water when I held my breath. Most of the time I was panicked dreaming that I'd fallen through the ice and could not reach the surface because the ice was too thick to push through. I read up on dream control and used it to stop dreaming about being under water or at least to realize I was in a dream state and did not have to hold my breath. Fine now.

The problematic thing for me at night is benign prostatic hypertrophy. Making me get up 2-3 times at night to pee. I got rid of it last year after I did a 5-day water/coffee-only fast. After my stroke it came back as a side effect of one of my hypertension meds. However, the keto diet is really improving it. I hope to be up once only pretty soon. I've had to get up once sine I was in high school. I'm good with it. Besides I like to check out the house in the middle of the night.

I do feel rested more than at any time since my stroke, but too soon to tell if sustainable. I just had a fat ball because I was dragging a bit. Good now. I'm fasting again today until supper when I'll have more sauteed veggies and about 5 ounces of sausage. The six pounds I've lost in the last few days is probably water weight, but that is good for my blood pressure. I've cut my pill in half and hope to halve it again soon.

"sounds complicated" Not really. The protein I eat is the equivalent of two hard boiled eggs or the same volume/size/weight in another animal protein. Then all the low-carb veggies I want covered with olive oil. Fat intake is very important.
This short video could be useful: The five most common mistakes that people make on a keto diet:

tired, grouchy and low on energy......yup that's me.
For my entire life.

For Example...
A snack:
Take one LARGE bowl ....
.....dump in a double handfull of pre-mixed salad (lettuce, carrotts, etc)
.....cut a half bell pepper (red/yellow...or both) into slices.
.......about half a big onion.
.......a package of salmon or tuna
........half of a large tomato
.......anything else I can find in the fridge that doesn't require a lot of work (I'm lazy)
....perhaps two or three hard boiled eggs.
..........lotsa shredded cheese...
...........spice to taste (garlic salt, lemon pepper, etc)

Eat...two or three of those a day keeps the hunger at bay..
zero carbs best I can figure.

I love low-carb. However, the last 20% of the weight you want to lose will be hard to get rid of due to the bodies ability to convert protein into glycogen. Water-only Fasting burns fat and protein in a ratio of 97% to 3% respectively. That's a trade I'll make all day long. This ratio was estimated first by Dr. Herbert Shelton in his book Fasting and Sunbathing. Physiological testing proved him right as was published with Dr. Jason Fung's book The Complete Guide to Fasting. Shelton's book is a free read and the best of the book's I've ever read on fasting.

lessee...when I started trying to loose weight I weighed 330.
I weigh less now...306 last time I checked.
If my goal was to weigh 180...and I could only drop to 220....

I started at 260 and sit here today at <210. Tomorrow I hope to start a 7 day water-only fast after supper with our son and his family. Before I have surgery in Jan-Feb I hope to be well below 200. I'll fast too after surgery because the body heals much faster that way. Mankind is the only mammal on the face of the earth that is stupid enough to eat when he is sick or injured. Dr. Shelton's book goes into great detail on that fact.