IMPORTANT: Alcohol destroys Physical, Mental & Spiritual Health!

in #health7 years ago (edited)
Mainstream Media constantly warn us about side effects of Drugs, ignoring alcohol in the process. Why is that so? In reality, alcohol does far more damage to our cognitive function, and children drink it from youngest of ages... It sure does sound like a Conspiracy Theory.

You know how it is in the system:

Caffeine to keep you energized through the week,
alcohol to forget on the weekends.
Curing hangover on the Sundays,
just to be able to enter the Circulus Virtiosus again...

Meanwhile, get caught with 0.5 grams of Cannabis & face serious complications. The most funny part is, weed is being legalized over North America at the moment - but not the organic one! The one which many already consume, differs highly from authentic cannabis and is not beneficial for us rather even dangerous...

Monsanto is setting themselves as a standard for weed production. Especially after partnering with Bayer they will aim to make it completely legal over time, since it has no real value that organic Cannabis posses.

Answer to why holding organic seeds is strictly prohibited!

Back to the topic now, there was a study published in The BMJ (British Medical Journal) at 2017. The study shown in details how brain problems are related to alcohol consumption.

The study followed 550 men and women for 30 years, measuring their brain structure and function to determine how alcohol use affects the mind over time.
What they found is that the more people drank, the more atrophy occurred in the brain’s hippocampus, a seahorse-shaped structure in your brain that plays a role in storing memories.
The highest risk was for people who drank 17 standard drinks or more of alcohol per week. But even people who drank moderately saw an elevated risk for cognitive changes

You can read the full study HERE.

Word alcohol comes from Arabic Al-Kuhl, meaning Body Eating Spirit.

Realizing the connections?

Not only it is highly dangerous for our beautiful bodies, it as well damages our mental wellness in the process.

Many are unaware, but many cases of depression are closely linked to alcohol consumption, since it does damage to our Hippocampus. Pretty similar what depression does, how abigail-dantes explained in her article here.

Even when it comes to moderate consumption, alcohol still does damage to our Hippocampus and it causes problems as: Memory issues, blackouts, slurred speech and many more:

When you realize the reality, the question is why is it encouraged in every culture to drink alcohol? It surely isn't Taboo or something like that, unlike all the other drugs, some of which have healing properties in reality.

In case you didn't know, psilocybin from Magic Mushrooms effectively treats PTSD after only one dosage. That could be an answer why is it criminalized. Not to mention that most of PTSD sufferers, turn their attention exactly to Alcohol and anti-depressives.

How that results in the end? It pretty much finishes them off.

Alcohol undergoes zero order kinetics of elimination from the body. It is only one of the three drugs that does so.
This means a constant AMOUNT of drug gets eliminated per unit time, not a constant FRACTION, like most drugs. This makes its rate of elimination very slow.
If it had undergone first order kinetics, a person drinking alcohol at night maybe all fresh in the morning as all the alcohol may get eliminated from the body very rapidly.

Meaning, it is impossible to wake up refreshed after night of drinking. In that set of events, everyone have higher chances of developing adverse and acute effects. Even the day after...

You can read much more in the article here.

Alcohol actually has some Beneficial effects, that is why individuals gets stuck on it:

  • Anxiety Relief
  • Increase In Self-Esteem
  • Sedation
  • Euphoria

But on the other side, it adversely affects pretty much every bodily-system you can imagine:


Most common alcohol related complication, due to reduced hepatic metabolism of lipids (fatty liver -> cirrhosis -> liver failure)

Gastrointestinal Tract

Due to increased gastric and pancreatic secretions by ethanol, result is increased incidence of gastritis and pancreatitis. Ethanol has direct toxic effects on the mucosal membranes of the stomach, causing gastritis.


Alcohol consumption reduces glucose uptake by the tissues leading to an initial increase in blood glucose.
Also, alcohol inhibits gluconeogenesis and a fasting person or a person whose hepatic glycogen is low could experience a hypoglycemic attack, which may cause irreversible brain damage.

Effect on smooth muscle

It is in direct connection whit smooth muscle caused by its metabolite acetaldehyde.

Effects on Sexual Function

It is increasing sexual desire but impairing the sexual performance at the same time. It lowers testosterone production, performance in athletes is also impaired.

Damage to CNS (Central Nerve System)

One of the most serious long consequences. It causes cerebellar degeneration, as well as serious brain damage. Many chronic alcoholics show degrees in dementia, connected to ventricular enlargement.

Wernick-Korsakoff’s syndrome

Connected to Thiamine deficiency -> resulting in paralysis of external eye muscles,
loss of memory and state of confusion. A.k.a. Alcohol amnesic disorder


In case you are still wondering whether to consume alcohol or not, I guess you didn't read this article. Do it again. Don't blindly follow the masses, especially media and the mainstream sources of information. They will most probably point you in wrong directions... Try to find alternative when having fun. Pretty much anything else you consume, is better for your body short and long-term.


I don't even drink occasionally any more just lost any desire to get drunk lol

Yep, don't do it Bud! ;) makes no sense

Same. One year seven months(almost 8)

I think a little bit of wine is ok but I don't understand why people drink to get drunk.

Yep, it is! :) They like to drown their consciousness in Alcohol, I'd say!

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very good article. need to resteem

Thank you brother. I truly appreciate your support in this :) I am grateful!

Raises hand, PTSD sufferer, well CPTSD.

I only drink on occasion, more for the flavour of the cordials I make and spirits I buy. Otherwise, I have no desire to get drunk or forget anything. I like having my mind clear to creative work. Besides, alcohol has sugar and I need to cut down on sugars where I can right now, cuz candida and stuff. But I drink so rarely, it doesn't really affect me in that way.

I once dated an alcoholic and he wanted to forget his reality. Reality can be difficult sometimes, but I can't take drugs, they make me sick, and I can't drink caffeine, it induces panic in my body. But I am aware of that programming of wanting to forget. Now I want to remember every little detail of dark hurt and abuse so that I can heal it and I want my mind clear so I can be creative. But once upon a time my drug was 7 hours of gaming every single day, so I get it. We're not given the tools to find that path that allows us to feel content in our lives. We are programmed to sacrifice ourselves and please other people all the time, work in slave jobs and never to our true life purpose.

I know people who stopped all drugs and all alcohol and found clarity and then found their true life purpose and went out to get it. These things can help us at times, but taken to excess they become a hinderence to our lives and prevent us from becoming our "greatest version".

But once upon a time my drug was 7 hours of gaming every single day, so I get it. We're not given the tools to find that path that allows us to feel content in our lives. We are programmed to sacrifice ourselves and please other people all the time, work in slave jobs and never to our true life purpose.

Very well written! I read thoroughly your comment & first thing that came to my mind was CBD oil!

But make sure to get the Organic Cannabis one, believe me on this one :) I'd be happy to hear from you, how it went :) Feel it is perfect for you

Cool, thanks. I'll look into it. Right now i'm doing a lot of EFT and that's helping a great deal. I've taken Hemp oil in the past for my omegas lol. I'll look inot CBD, if it's mind enough, I might be able to handle it. If not, well at least I'll ahve tried, but if it's that great, then I won't need much or for long, I suppose.

Well..the science as well as the research paper you yourself linked to clearly states that 1 unit of alcohol per day is associated with the least risk of disease. I've always (for 5 years) practiced that. One smalk glass of red wine after evening yoga/stretching. Got very low tolerance level so i can really feel the effect of just one tiny glass. If you are well connectes with yourself emotionally you feel small changes very strongly. I suggest everyone who smokes weed do the same. Continously lower the dose. Youll geth high friom the tobacco eventually lol

I agree with you bud, even myself I use it sometimes in small dosage :)

But, keep in mind though, not every alcoholic beverage is beneficial for us the same

I'll take a wild guess that you are referring to some good organic Wine, or something like that :)

Everyone who do yoga must be connected to themselves :P respect for that brother.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment :) appreciate you.

Btw since you mentioned Weed, best way to use it is in Oil form or Vape... the other ways that include burning of smoke are not that good, can even develop parasites in our body :)

Thanks :) not sure if you were sarcastic or not, but im pretty sure not everyone doing yoga are well connected. Im not always connected either. Im a mess sometimes. And imagine the pshycotic liberal leftists vegans who do yoga..boy are they probably not well connected..

I see that i forgot to uovote. Did it!

Yeah..probably right. Best not to smoke it. I stay off it. I prefer a small glass of red wine (lol) over weed. And i got a kid so doing illegal stuff is out of the question anyway :)

Thank you for this well written piece, we all know it... but few act in it. This may spark the desire for someone.

Thank you man! :) For your upvote, the fact you took time to read this - & the comment you left me.

You made me happy :)

Consciousness is soluble in alcohol.that's the most dangerous thing

Yep! Couldn't have said it better myself!

Alcohol is the worst . Apart from the damage we do to ourselves, it takes other innocent lives. I have lost three friends thanks to the drunk driving of another person. Cigarettes are given such a big NO NO, yet underage kids can sneak into over 18 yr old clubs and consume as much alcohol as they wish. So not right. Thank you for this post.

Wow, that feels so shocking to hear :(

Every single day many alcohol-related accidents happen, I wonder when people will wake up...

I love this post and I totally agree with everything you wrote! Stopping my clients from drinking is one of the hardest parts of my health and wellness challenge that I have them do. I have had so many people that just couldn't imagine what it would be like not to have a drink for a few weeks... It shocked me at first.

Those that took my advice and followed my plan seriously realized how much better they felt without it and understood that it was actually poisoning their body. Anyone that can cut out drinking will immediately begin to live a much healthier lifestyle! I can't stress it enough to people!

There are plenty of good tasting beverages out there that do not contain alcohol and there are tons of ways to have fun without a buz! :)

If you haven't yet, try to eliminate it from your diet completely for a month and see how you feel! I promise you will not be disappointed! :)

Great, Great, GREAT post!

Follow and an Upvote from me! :)

Thanks a lot annemarie :)

I appreciate this kind of communication & understand what you are speaking about, had many close touching spots with Alcohol through many people & realize every single bit of what you are saying

Btw, I probably didn't drink for about 3 years... :) Maybe a shot of organic Brandy here & there! :P

Just to get the Metabolism going

Thank you for the follow & upvote, I'll try to continue in similar fashion - we can stay in touch, I see you like the same topics

Good for you! 3 years is a long time! And a shot here and there I am on board with, especially if the person taking the shot understands the health effects. It is those people that don't understand what they are consuming that worry me.

I would love to stay in touch and I agree! Your page is awesome and right up my alley! :)

Alcohol is a tool used for class oppression.

Yeahhh! Of course :) And that is the reason why it is so easily available!

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Many are unaware, but many cases of depression are closely linked to alcohol consumption, since it does damage to our Hippocampus. Pretty similar what depression does, how abigail-dantes explained in her article this part was really what matters a lot . thanks for informing people on what the have to know

Don't worry brotha, thanks to you for reading!

there are so many side effects of drinking alcohol physically, mentally, social, religious and so on. In Islam its prohibited to take alcohol by any mean. It is been prohibited for Muslim and banned for Muslims 1500 years back. Proud to be a Muslim. Thanks for the informative share. :-)

Hahaha. Thanks for the attention :)

Comprehensive and shows research. Well done!!

Thanks for reading! :)

In my family we had about to go through bitter experiences related to alcohol, my father for many years got drunk but thanks to his willpower I leave him on his own. Today is a hard-working man and away from that vice. excellent post, I felt identified

Yep, many families have to go through same events! :)

And as you said, effective using of Willpower is the best way to overcome it :) I agree my friend

This article helps me undestand negative effects on my body and mind based on scientific evidences Thanks a lot!

Don't worry! Thanks to you for reading this :)

Could not have written this article better myself. The fact alcohol is a body-eating-spirit made me stop drinking before. Maybe it is that time again!

WoW rly interesting Report ! Alcohol is so dangerous and overrated in the public. Hemp should also legal world wide because of its benefits in the medicine but also like alcohol for the enjoyment.

Alcohol is also sometimes consumed to generate heat inside body because of atmosphere getting too cold and if 2 pegs of drink is helpful for heart and blood circulation. But there are more of disadvantages because the person gets addicted to it, people start getting stress and hypertension.

MARIJUANA kill ZERO every year . Something the satanic globalist don’t like .

This is an important message and detailed information from you. As a future doctor I think there is a lot of truth in what you said here. The legalisation and prohibition of drugs is not based solely with people's health in mind.

Thank you for writing this

Hello, what you publish is interesting, although I think it is more alarming than real. I am a student of nutrition and my career is based on knowing how foods influence the body, it is true that alcohol in BIG quantity brings damage to the body such as cirrhosis, hyperglycemia, kidney damage and others, but studies show that the consumption of 1 cup of wine at night helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease since it is rich in FLAVONOIDS (antioxidants), and that 1 shot of whiskey in hypertensive patients helps them to control blood pressure levels.

Just as there are many examples, if you want to know more about alcohol and its pros and cons I invite you to follow me.

How is it more alarming than real?

Did you even read my whole article? I put scientific studies in there & you decide to come here & say how it is not real - based on the fact that 1 glass of organic Wine is good for the Blood pressure

Learn to read!

YES, I read all your article, but it takes more to the effects that could have on a person who consumes alcohol every day or even the same alcoholics.

I am not saying that it is ONE article that says that a glass of wine is healthy, there are too many studies that support what I say.

Just think that sometimes we get carried away by cultural beliefs, or alarming propaganda without seeing all the content.

I want to clarify that I do not consume alcohol daily, even at parties, only on special occasions and celebrations.

and yes, your article was interesting but I repeat I know what I'm talking about, my career is based on the study of food (and beverages) and its effects on the body.

And I want to clarify something, alcohol in large quantities kills, destroys family and causes disorders in the fetus when pregnant women drink.

But do not satanise a food or drink just because you do not share it.

Because if you want to go to that branch I can name several foods that do the same or more damage than the alcohol:

in the first place, SUGAR, more harmful than alcohol at the metabolic level.

Energizing drinks, the only thing they do is damage the bones and cause neurological alterations.

Soft drinks: cause diabetes, damage the bones, teeth, etc. so be without calories.

Red meats: it is proven that the excessive consumption of red meat increases the risk of colon cancer.

Sports drinks: saturate the kidney.

have I shown my point? or do you want me to continue?

I repeat, your article is right, but it only applies to people who consume a lot of alcohol during the week or are alcoholics.

Alcohol is also worse to an unborn baby in a pregnant women’s womb, even worse than cigarettes!

Nice and informative post. Dont forget that alcohol revenue for governments worldwide is pretty significant. around 5-6% in developed countries and almost 20% in developing ones. There is no incentive for the government to remove this legal drug

The effects of alcohol are explained very well. bad is bad

Hi @enjoyinglife, great to meet and read your post here! Following and resteemed this for you.
There was a time when I used to drink as part of culture but then I left the culture :) The worst thing is that people drink a few beers and dont even drink to get drunk, it becomes just a habit like smoking. If I drink then its spirits, and get proper wasted. This happens once or twice a year, and people look in shock when I refuse a beer- "But your English" they always say!
This great post, there should be more post like this on the top posts!

Bravo! Thanks for a great read.

Yep pretty much have stopped drinking besides the occasional cocktail or beer on the weekend. Takes away from productivity in my life. I will have a beer or two or a cocktail on the weekends sometimes.

Very educative. i'll stay away from alcohol from now on. Pls check out my post

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment