Well, there are points that I agree with and others where I do not:
- In many cases, changes in lifestyle are enough to control blood pressure values, but in others, medications are definitely needed (And it's not a marketing issue, it's a proven fact)
- Agree that you consume vegetables and avoid sodas.
- I have no problem with the use of full milk as long as you do not have serious cholesterol or triglyceride problems.
- Do not fatten the products low or high in fat, fatten the calories. If you consume excessive amounts of a low fat product, of course you will gain weight, since the low fat one doesn't mean that it does not have calories. What happens is that people trust that a product is low in fat or light (it happens a lot with sodas) to consume it in excess thinking that it will not hurt.
- The body does not sense a lack of nutrition just because the person consumes a low-fat product. Malnutrition happens because the patient ingests a poor diet in carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
- You are right, the fat that contains the meat is enough for its preparation, you do not have to add additional oil.
Thanks for your comment, I love hearing opinions and discussing...