Too tired for anything? Tips to get more energy!

in #health6 years ago (edited)

You wake up in the morning, feeling quite ok. Some hours pass and you starting to feel extremely tired. You grab your cup of coffee and hope that it will bring some energy back...but it's just temporary and then you crash...What happened?


What is making you feel so extremely tired? Of course it is important to sleep well during the night. And without interruptions in the sleep you will go into the deep REM-sleep which is needed to feel rested when you wake up.

But the problem to your lack of energy is deeper than that. Just having a good nights sleep wont solve the problem you have, trust me.

Sometimes people can feel extra tired and that can be because of stress or depression. When you feel down it's natural to not feel any energy at all or even willingness to do anything concrete.
But that's not exactly the reason either, why you are feeling how you do.

So what is the freaking problem then?, you may ask. Come to the point!

Ok ok...I will.

Have you ever checked carefully what you feed your body with? Fast sugars and calories or too big gap between meals?

The key to your lack of energy is; IRON. Without iron your body can't function properly and will get exhausted very quickly.
Lack of or low iron levels is very common, specially amongst women in fertile age.

What is the signs of low iron levels?

Tired and lack of energy

Pale skin

Pink or red urine

Harder time to keep up in the gym

Out of breath more often

Problems with concentration

Loosing hair

If you feel that, Oh my, I have some signs here, then it could be a good time to check your iron levels and start with boosting your body with some iron.

There is chemically created iron or natural iron that you gain through food.

Examples of food which contains high levels of iron:

Red meat
Tuna, salmon, mackarel
Dark chocolate
Kidney beans

This was just a few examples with food which contains high levels of natural iron.

To boost your iron levels even more, try to eat an orange, mandarin or any kind of citrus fruit, since vitamin C helps the body to take up the iron even better.

Avoid drinking coffee, tea or milk together with food which contains a lot of iron, because it does the opposite to the iron compared to citrus fruits. It makes it harder for the body to take up the iron. Same with eggs, cocoa and bread with high levels of fibers.


You can for example start your day with homemade red beet juice and 1 orange.

Good Luck!
