My passion for health

in #health8 years ago

When I was a child, I suffered with asthma. Not extremely bad, but enough to keep me from doing sports. After I got married I had 2 major attacks which I tried all sorts of natural remedies to get through it. Finally, by providence, my first son was born and he had colic; the naturopathic doctor that was a friend, told me that I should quit using dairy, and his colic DID go away. But, the really incredible thing is that after a process of totally eliminating dairy, that I have had NO asthma symptoms since and I also don't have the seasonal allergies anymore either. So, this experience has created a passion in me to learn more and share about health to those that are suffering from food and environmental issues. I have been on this path for nearly 25 years and loving every minute of it!!! Look forward to learning and sharing more!!!