Weocome to Steemit! Its nice to see more health-conscious people joining the platform! We live in a very toxic world now it's like Highlander 2. All we can do is try to find clean water and clean food but it's doable if you're looking in the right places. I commend you for being the change! Thank you! It would be cool to see what you think about our Discord server geared for new steemit users!

Thanks for your thoughtful comment and for reading my post! So many bots here. Haha Highlander 2! Never saw it actually, but I can imagine what kind of plots you might be talking about, because I've seen tons of dystopian movies. Maybe that's why I'm so paranoid? Haha, no. I've really experienced this stuff. I will check out your discord. Is it health-related?
No not health related! However, I am health conscious just not a health nazi like I once was!