Hey, let's assume vaccines did conquer smallpox and polio.
Let's assume? Don't you mean, "Hey, since vaccines did conquer smallpox and polio."?
Is Encephalitis/Brain Swelling worth it to avoid chickenpox?
Yes, the small risk of encephalitis is worth avoiding any number of diseases. Of course it's awful when your child is the one that ends up having a terrible reaction, but that is the unfortunate consequence of having a system like the one we have. An imperfect system like most complex systems are.
Each vaccine risk factor must be weighed against each illness it is designed to prevent.
Exactly right. If you and those that support your view can show proof of a particular vaccine being more harm than good, then I agree it certainly should no longer be given.
There are so many fallacious and evocative things about your post I can't go over them all now.
We can all agree that it seems like and in some cases it is very true that doctors don't listen to patients. However, it's not some illuminati level conspiracy of big pharma and all that tinfoil hat wearing crank magnet nonsense.
Stay away from the snake oil salesmen like the director of Vaxxed. It's preying on good people like you that care about the parents and children that have various problems. They are fleecing you of money and your time.
#doctorstrange -- I just noticed that you "flagged" this article. Flags are to be reserved for people breaking Steemit rules, like copyright. Flags are NOT for when you disagree with a post. I hope that you will remove the flag and be more careful about who you flag in the future. Thank-you.
Mr. #doctorstrange - in reply to your attempt at a no-contest dismissal of my statement of fact:
how you conduct yourself within the context of Steemit?How does me being a follower of the @gardenofeden - or anyone else on Steemit for that matter - have anything to do with me pointing out
Oh... That's right!
It doesn't have anything to do with it. :-P
So go ahead and attempt to dismiss me on a completely unrelated subject. My statements stand as a testament to themselves - as do your own. Anyone can look them over and see the facts and opinions of what either of us have stated. And I continue to stand by my above comment: your own opinion IS NOT a valid reason to flag (or "downvote") a post! ...No matter how attached to it you happen to be.
This isn't true.
My vote holds very little weight. And doesn't lower your payout or reputation. It's merely a protest downvote.
And I don't merely disagree with your post, I find that your post is destructive. That is my opinion and I downvoted based on that.
You feel that your presentation of this matter is doing good for humanity and I think that it is bad for humanity. That's my opinion, so I downvoted.
If I was a whale I would need to be more judicious in who I downvoted. If you ask whales about how the downvote button should be used you will get many different answers. Don't presume to know how this site should operate in all ways.
If I were to downvote your other posts out of spite, then you will certainly have a case. If I were to not upvote posts that were in my opinion helpful to the site or merely well done, then I would be ashamed of myself for not giving you your just reward. Please understand this. If your posts were to present facts, not use many fallacies to try to appeal to peoples emotions and not use the testimony and anecdotes in such a way as to get knee-jerk reactions out of people, I would upvote your posts!
I would love nothing more than to have a civil debate over the issues the medical profession have in general and about vaccines specifically. We all stand to gain from just such a debate.
If you would like to discuss this in chat some day I would love to have us come to a better understanding on this.
Lastly, this is our site and there will be a push and pull between the users to shape it the way they would like. In me you have found someone that doesn't like some aspects of your message, so expect some pushback. I'm a reasonable person and willing to concede points. Shall we both try to go where the facts lead us? The "truth" is somewhere between us. I can't and won't say you are entirely wrong.
Are you willing to say the same about my position? Are you willing to budge if rational arguments are presented that refute what you believe?
Best regards.
Please review by yourself vaccines, many vaccines have uranium, lead, mercury and aluminium, every metal have a predilection by one part of our body, uranium in blood, lead in bones, mercury in peripheral nerves and aluminium in brain. Amish group didnt have autism until begin to put vaccines to their children, dont believe all that journals or medical congress said, try by yourself, the science is about prove by yourself
polio is a symptom of mercury poisoning, why VPH vaccine victims have polio symptoms? there isnt illness only ill people... Claude Bernard. Only change the name and thats all Polio now is Guillan Barre Syndrome or Lou Gerig Syndrome, dont say Diphtheria say influenza ( barium poisoning)
Microbyum is nothing, terrain is all... Claude Bernard
By law is impossible diagnosing polio, because if you do, you receive many and many statistical job without extra money, and the official science laught of you. You must not diagnose polio, by your wealth and career.
Dear #doctorstrange . You keep saying that it is a small risk. What I am trying to help you and others understand is that the risk is not tiny. There are many, many stories like this one. And the doctors are not reporting the vaccine reactions to VAERS. The numbers reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System may only be 1% of the total. If you watched the ER Doctor interview that I previously posted, the ER Doctor would consistently call the Pediatricians and tell them, "Hey, this child that you JUST vaccinated is in emergency having seizures and you need to report this to VAERS." But the Pediatricians consistently denied the link. They should be legally obligated to report any vaccine adverse event that happens within an accepted timeframe of vaccination -- but they are not doing it since the VAERS system is voluntary. Doctors rarely tell the patient that they have experienced one of the adverse events listed on the Vaccine Insert (that comes with each dose). It should also be the law that doctors go over the Vaccine Insert for each vial that they give a patient. It is printed by the pharmaceutical companies, and a portion is meant to be cut/ripped off and given to the patient while the doctors goes over all the contra-indications (to see if you should skip that shot, ie allergies to ingredients in the vaccine) and the adverse events that you should report to the doctor in case you experience them. Encephalitis is a side effect of most if not all of the vaccines -- it is on each vaccine insert.
As to me falling for "snake oil salesmen" -- I haven't tried to sell any products here and I haven't bought any products from these people, other than paid to stream the movie VaxXed. I have been aware of these things and constantly obsessed with researching the science for 12 years now. I haven't gone into how scientific studies shed doubt on the safety and efficacy of vaccines on these posts yet. Maybe I will one of these days. There is MASSIVE proof and many top scientists and doctors who have spoken out and studied various flaws in vaccines. For now, I just want people to be aware the true number of Vaccine Injuries is being suppressed. By whom and why is another topic. But it is being suppressed! And people experiencing vaccine adverse events are being silenced.
The reason I follow the VaxXed movie movement so much isn't just because the movie is very factual and well done .. it is also because as they VaxXed crew travel across North America, they are interviewing the Vaccine Injured and asking people to Stand Up and stop being bullied into silence. I whole-heartedly agree with this. Only as long as people stay silent will the general public continue to be in the dark.
I didn't say you were a snakeoil salesman. I didn't say you are selling their products. I said the director of the movie was a snakeoil salesman and the movie Vaxxed is the product. You are promoting the movie, however. This is promoting their product, right?
People that get in to the anti-vax ideology do buy books and rent movies and go to seminars and give money to the cause. They are fleecing you good people by preying on your fears.
(1) When I said that I "haven't gone into the scientific studies", what I meant was that I haven't got into a discussion/post about it here, on Steemit. But indeed I have studied it extensively. I meant that that type of discussion should be done on a new post because these posts have been people's personal injury stories. My mistake for the confusion there; sorry.
(2) I don't really understand why you are arguing about people's personal stories. I can't say that someone's own experience and story is wrong. I wasn't there and I didn't experience it. I might question their interpretation or even their sanity, yes, but I would do that silently and not insult them and cause further distress when they have already lost a child or suffered a tragedy of some type. One story doesn't prove anything, so I have been showing multiple stories that are similar in experience -- this makes it much less likely that it was only coincidence or misunderstanding.
(3) You ask for the numbers of injuries and unfortunately I don't know those. What I have heard from people though is that doctors usually treat the injury as unrelated and I have heard from nurses and even doctors who say that it is not well received when they inform their colleagues that a VAERS report should be written up. It is not my responsibility to prove numbers; I'm just bringing awareness so that maybe, hopefully, someone in authority will finally force the truth on this issue and make VAERS reporting mandatory.
(4) You ask how people are being silenced? The vaccine-injured are being silenced by the media who write up articles that make them look crazy, or stupid, or people who want to spread disease to other children. The media rarely reports on a vaccine injury story but will go on for weeks about a few people getting measles. People are being silenced by the general public through shaming and simple bullying. Some people are rabid in defending vaccines and very cruel. However I find that to be more true on Social Media like Facebook than in real life when they would rather not insult someone to their face. And yes, there has likely been some scientists and doctors "silenced" in the same way as "JFK", but that is speculative. However I could do a post on the way that Dr. Andrew Wakefield was "silenced" by having his medical license stripped and false accusations thrown at him by the media and medical community.#doctorstrange (there is no "reply" option under your last response, so I'm replying here.)
In fact, I think that I should do a post of Dr. Andrew Wakefield. He is not a fraud. He is a Gastroenterologist who found the link between Autism patients and bowel disorders long ago. Science has only confirmed his findings even more in the last few years.
And I should do a post about VaxXed and how it actually proves fraud at the CDC on their MMR/Autism study. A whistleblower came forward and provided thousands of documents to show how he was forced to destroy evidence. The movie is about that fraud. If the CDC committed fraud on that study, they could have committed fraud on every single vaccine study for all that we know.
(6) But back to these first posts I have written on Steemit. My point has been that we have to listen to the parents. They have been largely ignored by their doctors and ridiculed by the public, so I am doing my small part to give them a bigger voice.
ever hear of non disclosure agreements when cases settled OUT of court. that way people have NO clue of the damaged caused .... but keep on spreading your toxins ... Who DO YOU work for ?
Sound like a Vaccine Co. Rep