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RE: Mississippi Nurse Refuses to Stay Silent Any Longer -- Her own children are VACCINE INJURED!

in #health9 years ago

Stay away from the snake oil salesmen like the director of Vaxxed. It's preying on good people like you that care about the parents and children that have various problems. They are fleecing you of money and your time. - doctorstrange

As to me falling for "snake oil salesmen" -- I haven't tried to sell any products here and I haven't bought any products from these people, other than paid to stream the movie VaxXed. -canadian coconut

I didn't say you were a snakeoil salesman. I didn't say you are selling their products. I said the director of the movie was a snakeoil salesman and the movie Vaxxed is the product. You are promoting the movie, however. This is promoting their product, right?

People that get in to the anti-vax ideology do buy books and rent movies and go to seminars and give money to the cause. They are fleecing you good people by preying on your fears.