Getting Back to the Gym and Feeling Like Both of These Guys

in #health7 years ago

Well, it was officially 8 full days since my last How to Build A Classic Physique workout...but it seemed longer than that!


Most of that time, Thursday thru Tuesday, I spent in Nashville, TN for a family wedding. (All went well, btw.) So, I hoped to hit the gym on Wednesday.

Didn't happen.

Between the time zone change, office commitments and chauffeuring my daughter in the evening, I was not able to lift Wednesday at all. So, I had to wait for Thursday to come around but it wasn't until the afternoon that I could make it to the gym.

It was surprisingly weird at how agitated I was getting at not lifting again as soon as I had hoped. A good thing maybe??

Anyway, the numbers...

squat - 10x45 5x95 5x115 3x125 3x135 5x145 5x150 5x155 5x135

Nothing new for these numbers since I was not going to push it given my long lay off. I did feel good physically and with my form, however. I'll take that anytime.

bench - 10x45 5x95 5x115 3x135 5x155 5x165 5x166.25 3x155

Like the squat I was not trying for any new high marks. Just trying to get back into a groove.

dead lift - 5x135 3x185 5x205 3x185

Different lift but the same story as the first two. Getting back to form and feel.

hammer curls - 20x20 8x30 3x40

I usually do tricep dips along with some kind of curls, but I just did the curl part yesterday.