The health benefits of beet juice - a natural nitric oxide booster

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Beet juice is a natural source of nitrate

By (originally posted to Flickr as closeup) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

So what exactly is nitrate? Nitrate converts to nitric oxide in the body and beet juice is one of the best sources of nitrate. In a recent study it was shown that beet juice lowers blood pressure in those with elevated blood pressure. It also has been shown in various studies that nitric oxide enhances athletic performance by boosting stamina. Generally nitric oxide improves blood flow which has many benefits.

If you have a juicer, beet juice can be made very easily and mixed into any smoothie or taken alone. Also there are powdered beets which can be purchased to accomplish the same.


Edwin Lee MD, F. A. C. E. (2016). Effects of Nitric Oxide on Carotid Intima Media Thickness: A Pilot Study. Alternative therapies in health and medicine, 22, 32.

Sweazea, K. L., Johnston, C. S., Miller, B., & Gumpricht, E. (2017). Beet Juice Energy Drink Increases Nitric Oxide Bioavailability and Lowers Blood Pressure in Healthy Men. The FASEB Journal, 31(1 Supplement), 966-10.



Super interesting post. I received a juicer for my birthday at the end of last month and it amazes me the amount of energy a raw juice gives me when I drink one on an empty stomach after waking up.

I usually add beetroot, cucumber, carrots and some mint to mine.

very informative post. I started taking this juice last month and I admit it lowers blood pressure. Some precautions are too be taken using it!

Also, through antioxidant content can fight cancer. Besides juice it can also be used in salad, added to soups or cooked in the oven.

Interesting. Thank you for sharing. Upvoted and Resteem.

Brilliant I often make beet juice with carrot and some spirilina. I thought it was good for you but just wanted it my body was calling it.

It's highly acidic. Best to dilute in water or non acidic drink.

Don't drink on an empty stomach, because that's how ya puke.

i did this once in the morning and i felt very sick in the stomach lol

I painted the asphalt one day on my way to work myself. One poor lady thought i had just puked up blood.

I Ike the flavor of beet juice though. Sweet and earthy.

When i was sick and got pimples all over my face . Doctor advice me to drink beet juice .. trraffing in taste but reach in nitrate . Thanks for sharing just thing i highly appreciate your hard work .. @dena-edwards