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RE: Is the government, Trying to kill us?

in #health8 years ago (edited)

There was lead in water in Michigan which is 1000 times worse than fluoride. Lead is neurotoxic and in the developing brain can lead to changes which can cause behavior which resembles violent sociopathic behavior when they become adults.

The water often isn't good but you shouldn't depend on or trust the government to protect your water. Invest in a distiller and take personal responsibility. Before you put anything into your mouth know exactly what is in it if possible. Weigh your food, monitor and keep a journal of everything you consume, track your calories, and don't eat anything which has "weird" ingredients like high fructose corn syrup.

You deserve to have a very long life. Companies selling you products and the government are populated by strangers who probably don't care if we die. We are consumers, taxpayers, or at best citizens or customers. We aren't their family, these organizations don't love us, it's not a brotherhood or sisterhood or anything more than a money making machine in the case of corporations or war making machine in the case of governments.

Indeed the state governments and some governments might have some people in them who care but these people resign, get laid off, fired, and different eras have different people in different positions. Some give a fuck, others don't, but your friends, family, and even peers on the Internet care more about you than the complete stranger.



Actually, fluoride is more toxic than lead

From my references we know lead is neurotoxic which is one of the worst. Lead has been found in toys from China, paint, and water. Lead is associated not just with brain developmental issues like low IQ but very importantly is associated with violent behavior. When you look at inner cities and you realize a lot of the children grew up in toxic environments with lead paint, lead in the water, lead in the toys, then of course you can understand many will not develop appropriately psychologically. This has an extremely toxic effect on the environment in the form of violent sociopathic behavior, criminal activity, all the stuff America complains about with regard to inner cities.

As environmental quality has gone up the violent crime has gone down dramatically. Lead might not kill people but it makes people kill each other.

Please cite your scientific studies or journal reference.

