The Sinister Reason Why Flouride is in Our Water

in #health8 years ago (edited)


This Article is about the history and mystery behind the eye of horus. This symbol has been connected by the Ancient Egyptians and is now adopted by the world elites or 'The Illuminati'. The history of this symbol has been created to resemble a humans Pineal gland. Also known as the third eye.

It holds great power for purposes of feeling a oneness with nature and the spirit world, It holds the power total enlightenment! It is known to give a person the ability to Astral project, Telecommute, even see into the future.

Just like all evil leaders and rulers of the world, the last thing they want is to empower and free the masses. Sadly the deep dark truth is researchers have found the Flouride suppresses the Pineal gland. And significantly lowers people's IQ level.
They've basically turned the human race into mindless, docile comsumers controlled by fear and EMPATHY!!! Enslaved to these evil impotent senile old goons who know so well how to play on the heart strings of humanity! Thankfully I'm truly seeing the world wake up to a lot of this logical non-sense.

          BUMMED OUT YET?!? 

Don't worry, now the good news!
The damage can be reversed! The Pineal gland can restore and heal through lots of meditation.
From now on stop using store bought toothpaste! Actually Virgin coconut oil is 100 times better for you.
Not only does it kill bacteria and infections, It rebuilds your enamel, sensitivity and toothe pain will deminish.
Last but not least, ONLY drink reverse osmosis water! Spring water is no good.

This is just my personal rant as I always do, lol If you are familiar with this topic and feel you can add anything important on this subject. Please feel free! I would love any extra insight.



What can you share about reverse osmosis? Over the years I have read so many opposing views on spring vs. reverse osmosis water. I am inclined to think that there is water that is good for you without having to process it through a man made filter to make is good for you. I am interested in hearing your thoughts on this. Thanks in advance.

I think the process is like how rain is created. The water is turned in to a gas separating from other contaminents then recooled for distillation.

Yeah, pretty sure none of that is true.....

Enjoy the flouride!