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RE: Fat Acceptance is Bullshit

in #health7 years ago

Eh, I'm going to be honest here, your article just kinda repeats itself a few times, and really could have just been TL;DR'd as "Fat people need to eat better and get off their ass and go to the gym rather than be lazy and just accept being fat"

I think this whole "fat acceptance" debate is a lot of people on both sides being too self-righteous. I break it down like this:

  1. People shouldn't be shamed for any body condition, period.
  2. You should work to take care of your body regardless of weight.
  3. Some people settle very naturally and healthily in the "overweight" range, they should accept and love their body as is. No one is naturally obese. But if someone is obese and happy, that's their business, you don't get to judge them for it.
  4. No one is actually trying to force you (the general, not specific you) to be attracted to fat chicks. But it would probably help if you treated fat chicks like people instead of a waste of a vagina. Also societal pressure tends to push guys away from heavier women they might otherwise find attractive. Overweight men do not suffer from this to the same degree.

Anyone considering the issue objectively should come to those points. The overzealousness of some in the fat acceptance movement is a push back to years of society shitting on them. Hopefully over time we can return to a more natural and healthy discussion of body image. But it's really upsetting to see how unrealistic beauty standards fuck with the self-esteem of so many women (and guys to some degree).


I agree with you, besides no. 3. Overweight people should not be judged, but also we should not let that be. Let me explain. If I have a dear friend or family member with a health condition (it doesn't matter what) and doesn't want to get medical help, I would try to nudge them it the right direction. It's not ok to let someone be sick. This applies to obese people too. It's not healthy. If they consider they are happy, probably they're lying to themselves. It's about caring for them, not judging.

Yeah I agree to a point. There's concern and concern trolling though. Suggesting your long time friend who is having health issues lose some weight, totally fine. Telling some stranger unsolicited on the internet they really need to lose weight because they are going to get diabetes, is fat-shaming masked as concern.

Oh, I see your point. I usually don't say/comment anything if it's not something nice of it's not my business. I wish I could see others do that on the internet.

The problem is that in the USA the obesity rate has gone through the roof and when people come forward saying that fat acceptance is good and you shouldn't try to lose weight, it's unhealthy for the whole nation. As I said, because people search for excuses not to do something, not to work out, they will find relieve in this fat acceptance movement.

It's a complicated matter, people should accept their situation (not talking only about body weight), and if they consider it shitty, they should change it, nevertheless try to promote it as something good because they are insecure.

I think what's missing here is nuance of the situation. Lets take a woman who is 5'9" and 175 pounds. BMI says she's overweight, she does have some extra fat on her, but all her vitals are good and is overall healthy. She should be able to so say, you know what, I like my body, some people might say I'm fat but fuck them.

Now if she were 275 pounds it becomes a different question. No one is really healthy at that BMI. It's really only a very small subset of people who are pushing this condition to be normalized and they should be ignored like most fringe groups.

I see this a lot, conflating a fringe part of a group with the views of the larger group. All BLM is about is an excuse to riot! All conservatives are neo-Nazis! All Muslims are terrorists!There's idiots in every group, don't let them detract from the larger message.

I mean there's a huge difference between "out of shape" and "medically unhealthy". I'm not saying being overweight is good for you, and it can definitely lead to medically unhealthy conditions (heart disease, hyper tension, diabetes, etc), but grouping all people that are out of shape into the same group is simplifying things and vilifying people in unproductive ways.

Let's take Donald Trump for example. He's in shit condition, but he's medically as healthy as anyone his age could hope to be. He looks like a slob, but his organs are chugging along just fine. Someone could be in perfect shape and still have underlying problems that are a bigger danger than working out can do anything about.

Some people just don't care about their weight. I'm fine with them living how they want to live. The people that suck are the ones that complain about it all the time but do nothing about it. Also a general societal encouragement of not being healthy sucks.

I read a reddit comment that poked some pretty solid fun at it: "KMart is changing their plus sized items to 'fabulous sized'. Hospitals are also now changing the name of Type 2 Diabetes to 'Fabulous Diabetes'.