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RE: Cannabidiol (CBD) Trials Prove it Reduces Epileptic Seizures, Will Parents Be Allowed to Help Their Children?

in #health6 years ago

Big pharma is essentially a criminal mafia operating under color of law after having bought politicians off to make laws that only their synthetic garbage is legal medicine. This is an ongoing and escalating problem. CBD to treat epilepsy is only the tip of the iceberg. THC in certain strains of cannabis also effectively fights tumors, which means some people could cure their cancer by growing a plant in their backyard and not have to be subjected to chemo and radiation that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Can't have that! I love seeing this message starting to propagate everywhere now that some states have legalized marijuana and the enforced ignorance is being revealed for what it is: intentionally letting people suffer and die for the profit of a bunch of psychopaths in a big pharma boardroom and their political puppets.