This afternoon I decided to just eat what I thought was okay for me, a light meal of an egg pie and some fried bananas. Now it just filled me up and satiated me although I wasn't hungry yet when I ate because I earlier had the Nepro food supplement and I think it does a fantastic job of giving me the nutrients and calories that I needed for a long time throughout the day.
Now after eating the egg pie and the bananas I started to produce gasses in my gut confirming that I am just intolerant to lactose as the egg pie contains milk. Now the lactose in my gut didn't get digested but only was being turned into carbon dioxide gas by the bacteria in my gut so I just fart a lot now and it is making me bloat.
It is hard if this happens because I am having a hard time breathing because of it as the gasses takes room from my lungs squeezing it and if I would sit down I would not be able to discharge excess gas and thereby making me get bloated in the process.

Now I am trying not to include lactose in my diet. It includes 3 in 1 coffee mixes, cakes, some breads, and ice cream. Eating ice cream is not in my plans now because it causes the same effect along with a loose bowel movement so now I am very vigilant about my diet so that it won't make me ill as my diet is as complicated as my medical condition.
Image credits: FB Gifs
That must be very uncomfortable. Have you done any experimenting with lactaid tablets? You take them before you consume anything with dairy and it helps.
Well at least you're not a racist!
Please consider a strict doctor suggestion before having anything. At least check out for any side effects.
Hoping you get recover soon.
God bless you.
Correct, but living with an illness for soo long makes u loose ur self with doctors orders that u sometimes just want to eat and satisfy ur cravings and feel good and normal.. Atleast for that moment.,
Its good though that he is taking note of such developments and adjusting accordingly.
Sure, He is taking a note of everything, their reactions and figuring out what could be best for him. He is a very strong man. We pray for him.
Hi @cryptopie, just stumbled on your diary and was touched by the contents.
I think it will be nice if you watch your intake of lactose.
Probably you will be able to release most of the lactose stored in your gut by the bloating.
That's the right thing to do! You need to pick up this track and keep moving on it.
haha.. i kinda find it funny how you dedicated a whole paragraph to talk about your fart. It might help if you contact a dietician and seek for advice.
He documents his medical journey here.. All his ups and downs. And this is one was just one of them.. Not meant to come out as funny.
Oh okay. Thanks for the heads up. @purpletanzanite @cryptopie Is there a cure for lactose-intolerancy?
The cure is not take foods with dairy products.. He already mentioned it in the article.. Lol
I mean a cure that can enable him to consume dairy products without adverse effect....??
Sometimes I react to lactose, discovered I was allergic to lactose so I don't add it to mine too
You should not eat that way :/
Now you are having difficuty!
Is is not good :/
Correct, but living with an illness for soo long makes u loose ur self with doctors orders that u sometimes just want to eat and satisfy ur cravings and feel good and normal.. Atleast for that moment.,
Yes but it could be dangerious for you health!
That is why i would suggest move like this!
You need to keep an eye on your diet and be careful with it. You need to know what quantity is good for you and what isn't. This way you can keep a check on yourself!
I need to eat many nutritious food for the sake of being satisfied. I always wish you all the best for you. You can be quick to get all the friends back to the market zamindar family can be good friend
May God continue to mould u and make the way to recovery easy for u.
You should try to find it out if u really are lact intolerant by taking milk only as one meal someday and then see the results.
Encantado de saber de tí. Mi internet ha estado dañado por más de dos semanas.
Por favor, cuìdate de la lactosa. De hecho no es recomendable para el correcto funcionamiento de los riñones.
Te quiero mucho y cuídate.
SaludosHola @cryptopie
Oh no this is not good! So much food has lactose in it. I hope all goes well my friend.
That's so unfortunate. I've had an intolerance to cow's milk for over 20 years. It started after I took several courses of the antibiotic metronidazole. I think it might be casein in the dairy, not lactose, that triggers the digestive problems. It can be a nightmare, but there are lots of alternatives to cow's milk these days.
try such foods which are less in quantity but rich in proteins..
master @cryptopie
Thank you for
I follow you so as not to be left behind with the next upcoming information.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ITS INFORMATION very good information and notice you master @cryptopie
your have talent is the best
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in because the machine that looks very simple easy to carry anywhere and the machine is also very unique. master @cryptopie
How are you feeling now? I think you are okay now. Be careful next time with your diet.
I Agree with this comment
Please consider a strict doctor suggestion before having anything. At least check out for any side effects.
best of luck, best wishes for you.
you really have a great talent and achievement, do not waste your talent while you are able. never give up master.saya very happy and amazed to see people who have spirit like you.master @cryptopie
#talent #keeps up with everything #never give up.
Nice photography so funny.
Try to drink more. God bless you.
that's nice plan to eat something good egg pie and some bananas for good health. Enjoy your food.
But the egg pie contained milk and it wasn't good for him as it didn't digest. So it isn't a nice plan!
Oh, okay
Where to plant Crepe Myrtles
Crepe myrtles have many landscape applications. Planted together, they create a large deciduous fence or screen. A single tree can create a distinctive focus, and the pair framing the front door greets visitors with a warm southern greeting.
Be sure to select the right size for your needs. Large types need space for growth without encroaching on buildings, power lines or paths. The average size, which will grow from 12 to 15 feet, is ideal for a small courtyard or garden. The choice of gnomes looks great in large containers, plantations of the basement and even included in perennial beds. In addition, remember that myrtle-like creams love the sun. The volume of flower production is significantly reduced in a light shade, and a full shade can prevent flowering in general.
Does this post related to a plant or something??
You Suffering From Lactose Intolerance but why????? really healthy food a light meal of an egg pie and some fried banana,, thanks for sharing with us
Resteem done
you should not eat this position.it is not good for your health