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RE: Oh to be a Nurse . . .

in #health8 years ago

I have a chess rating of 1450 and my Ebook on Amazon has sold in SIX countries. I am an AussieDownUndies and meet my Floridian lady in WOW (World Of Warcraft) back in 2007.

Knowing I would never be anybody in America and never gain respect unless i was a PUBLISHED author I wrote my book; today people look up to me in Florida and consider me " The Man " possibly primarily because I have sold my published book in SIX countries : )

I am sure that is the reason since I am only 6 foot 3 inches tall ! ! !

(actually I really am 5 foot ten inches plus tax with blue eyes and the body of a God; but I think people respect me is because of my book sales ) ; )

Plus the chicks simply swoon over my Aussie He Man accent ! ! !

Awesome to know I can go out most days and bring two women home for my lady love to meet . . .


Hahaha! You finished the last thread with a 6 comment, so I'll just say:
"yeah, a fine line between offensive or not offensive, just like sexting..."
Tread careful @crok, I've got some age on me and I've clocked over 50,000 people treated with skin on skin contact...I estimate that puts me into the circus side-show act category. Lmao