"To Your Health!" - My Letter to a Friend

in #health2 years ago

“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”
- Apostle John, the Beloved of Jesus

Are you dealing with a mystery illness?

The Western medical establishment has a long ways to go when it comes to diagnosing illnesses, much less treating them without killing you in the process. IMNSHO (In My Not So Humble Opinion) this is because Western medicine does not recognize Jesus/God as the Creator of all things. Case in point: If you refuse to acknowledge the Creator of our bodies (and of the means and resources for supporting them), how can you possibly succeed in understanding and repairing them?

I came across an appeal for prayer from an old friend on a mailing list I still receive but rarely read. The article below is a sanitized version of my email reply to him. I pray you may also find it useful.🙏🏻


Beware Iatrogenic Ailments! (source)

~"To Your Health!"~

by Duncan Cary Palmer

Dear Brother,

Duncan here (a founding member of a church you know in Southern California). You may recall our conversations at conferences in years gone by. :) I'm sorry I haven't reached out before now; seeing the photo of your wife and granddaughter spurred me to write.

My life experience has led to a well-grounded loss of trust in the "medical-industrial complex." Iatrogenic illness has become a leading cause of death in the West. We lost a grandson to cancer treatment (a gruesome bone marrow transplant) over twenty years ago. At that time, I went into high gear researching cancer treatments and discovered many benign alternatives to conventional "poison, slash, and burn" technology. Sadly, I did not have legal authority to see them applied in his case. But that's just a background FYI. I have continued to research and follow more natural, less invasive health interventions since then.

Jesus our Creator/God has built our bodies remarkably well (though they be afflicted by the curse), giving us an incredible "immune system" to protect and heal us. My overarching conclusion is that almost all medical problems that we experience are the result of the sad truth that "we live in Babylon," and that we are immersed in a fallen and confused culture that does not hold God in recognition. We who know Him ought to know better than to trust the profit-driven devices of those who don't.

Brother, if you've put up with my rambling preamble thus far, God bless you!

All this to say that I have a few "unconventional" recommendations to share with you, please God for your wife's possible benefit. But—like Naaman—it will take at least a measure of faith on your part to "just try them." I'll simply summarize what I've learned, first as generalities, and then as specific possible therapies.

Generally, to keep our bodies working properly, we need good inputs; fresh air, sunshine, exercise, clean water, natural and unadulterated food (i.e. no preservatives or pesticides), nutritional supplements (vitamins, minerals, fats/oils) to restore what is deficient in modern food sources, and good company and good cheer. Then, we need cleansing; our modern environment poisons us with all kinds of toxic chemicals that need to be flushed out of our systems. We also need to eliminate pathogens and their toxins; bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. We all have them, and all too many of them.

I have come to be strongly persuaded that—to the extent we succeed in managing the things 👆🏻in the paragraph above👆🏻—we will discover that even the most obscure and unrecognized illnesses, the ones "the professionals" can't figure out, can be eliminated from our bodies.

Specifically, here is a list of the "top remedies" and some related links that I am aware of that aid in restoring our bodily function. While I consider them all of potentially great value, I'm listing them roughly in order of ease of implementation and potential for highly beneficial short-term impact:

Brother, I stand ready to answer your questions about any of this, as well as to the extent possible, help and support any actual action you may choose to take in applying any of these possible therapies in an effort to aid your wife. All of these things I can discuss and inform you; some of them I can supply directly, others I can steer you toward sources of more information or necessary materials.

Please email or text or call and have a conversation if you would like to discuss any of this!

Brother, I pray that you may find something within this email that will bless and benefit your wife and, of course as a consequence, you and your entire family.

Love and blessings,


DANGER!: Following the links in the above material may greatly expand your knowledge and awareness!

Dear Reader,

If you have questions or concerns about your health, or about any of the therapies I've included in the above letter, please reply below and I will try to provide you with any additional information or experience at my disposal that might help you.


NOTE: Most of my posts contain hyperlinks to enlightening information.
ALL IMAGES are my own, open source, or used with permission.

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