Hi Friends,
I’m getting a little personal and vulnerable in my vlog today. I talk about some of my struggles with gaining weight, and how I’ve finally found something that seems to bring balance to my body and has brought me back into a place of health. I am currently the leanest I have been in over a decade and most of the weight has been lost in the last month since I changed my approach to food.
Even sharing these photos feels a little vulnerable! I don’t usually show this much skin, and I would usually never show that first picture to anyone. So, thanks for giving me space to show up and share today. This has just been so mind blowing for me… I wanted to spend a little time talking about it.
A Car Accident Can Change Everything
About a year and a half ago, I was in a car accident that really impacted my back and neck. This meant that my doctors strongly advised me against doing any kind of exercise for over 8 months while I healed. I spent countless hours in the chiropractor’s, massage and physical therapy offices during that time of my life.
Prior to the accident, I was a fanatic about working out. I would go for a run 5-6 days a week and would do strength training in between. Taking that much time off from physical exercise felt devastating because it was such a big part of my life.
It has been almost a year now that I have been “Cleared to exercise” and I have seriously struggled to get into a rhythm. This is not something I’m proud of, but it’s where I’m at. I think part of it, is that my days are literally PACKED between working full time, creating content, trying to stay on top of things and staying connected in my relationships. Everything is a trade-off against something else. I know I should spend more time exercising, but when it comes down to it – I often choose to spend the time cooking a good meal with my love or making a post for Steemit.
Before I continued with my post, I just wanted to talk about my relationship to exercise and that I think it is super important for physical and emotional health. Even though I have lost this weight without exercise – that does not discount it’s value.
My Food Journey… One Big Experiment
I am a big fan of experimenting with different foods to see how your body reacts to them. We are all different and taking the time to listen to your body can be really impactful. A few months ago, I started a food journal and kept track of everything I was eating and how my body reacted to it. I definitely discovered that eating gluten made me feel super bloated and heavy, and too much sugar had a negative impact on my body as well. I started cutting out more of those items and started to lose a little weight.
About a month ago though – something really dramatic happened. My boyfriend started following Dr. Gundry’s food pyramid – which focuses more on reducing toxins in the food we eat. It specifically focuses on reducing foods that contain casein and lectin.
I decided to try it out with him, just to see what happened. I have been shocked because I dropped over 15 almost immediately once trying it. Even though I was already eating gluten free – I was still consuming a lot of heavy, starchy foods like potatoes, beans, rice and corn.
Below is a list of the items he suggests consuming based on their low toxicity levels. This is not a complete list in any way – just a general overview. Check out his website if you are interested in learning more. To be honest… I still “cheat” whenever I feel like it. I hate rules, and don’t like to feel restricted. If I’m craving sushi… I’ll just go get some and not worry about the rice – or if I really want pizza… I’ll go get a slice.

Getting Vulnerable… Sharing Real Numbers
Ok… I debated actually sharing numbers, but here goes. For YEARS, I have hovered in the 130 zone – even with exercising every day. This maybe wasn’t quite as lean as I would like – but was a comfortable weight for me. After the accident – I went up to 140… maybe even 145 if I’m being honest.
Going gluten free helped me get down to 130/135… and then in the last month since starting this food plan – I have literally dropped down to 115. One freaking fifteen. I haven’t been this lean since high school.
It just feels so amazing to find something that my body is obviously really happy with.
Do I feel Deprived?
Honestly, not really! I have found a few awesome brands that I really like that fit within my new food paradigm that taste really good. Here are names. Most of these items can be found in a Whole Foods, or through Amazon. Honestly, some of the amazon prices are fair, while others seem a bit jacked up. I’ve still included link below though, so you can make sure you are getting the right product if you head into the store.
Siete – for chips and tortilla’s. They use almond flour, coconut flour and cassava root.
Cappeleno’s – They make awesome almond flour pasta and pizza crusts.
Birch Benders – This paleo pancake mix rocks! I just top it with some almond butter and a homemade blueberry sauce instead of syrup.
Monk Fruit Extract – OMG you guys… this is an amazing sugar free alternative that tastes way better than Stevia. I could literally do an entire post talking about this stuff.
There have been a lot of easy swaps too. For example – I made burrito bowls instead of burritos – or I have a burger served on a bed of lettuce instead of a bun.
Honestly, the biggest saving grace in this food plan is the focus on full fat dairy. I am probably consuming more than I am supposed to – but I treat myself to some delightful triple cream brie on the regular.
Focus on Grass-fed and Pasture Raised Products
One of the most dynamic shifts for me has been transitioning from “regular organic” products to grass-fed and pasture raised. Dr. Gundry goes over a lot of the research showing that these products have lower casein levels. It goes so much deeper for me though. By purchasing grass fed beef from a local farm – or eggs from a local pasture raised chicken – I am supporting more ethical farming.
Knowing that the meat and animal bi-products I am consuming comes from an animal who had a good life, lines up with my ethics way more than mainstream products that shove animals in a big facility. I know a few people who have gone vegan over the issue of animal cruelty, and I really applaud them for sticking to their morals. For me, I feel okay consuming these products if I am more conscious of the backstory.
I used to purchase “organic” thinking it was better… but let’s be honest for a second. Even if they have been fed an organic diet, that doesn’t necessarily mean the animal had a good life out in a field.

Am I Going Broke Eating this Way?
Honestly, sometimes I feel that way when I run my monthly expenses! To me, investing in quality food is worth every penny though. Buying local, grass-fed meat and more expensive gluten free alternatives add up… but it has actually been pretty manageable. One of the biggest ways I’ve gained balances in my spending is by reducing the amount of times I eat out. Sure, I still eat out on occasion – but this has helped me to save money and spend more on groceries instead.

Thanks for Listening/Reading
If you have made it this far… I just wanted to say thanks for either watching my Dtube vlog, or reading this post. I love how supportive this community is and I love that you guys make me feel comfortable enough to share something like this.
Just because this has worked so well for me, doesn’t necessarily mean it will have the same impact on others. I just really loved the approach of reducing toxins and thought that seemed like a holistic mindset with which to approach food. The higher energy levels and weight loss has been pretty eye opening to me.
For those of you who are wondering if it is a fluke… I dropped to 115 a few weeks ago and have stayed there – even with a trip to Vegas and a lot of “cheat meals”.
If you guys have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. You want to know something funny? I literally haven’t even read his book yet. I just started trying it and was so happy with the results that I didn’t really care! I’m at a point now though where I want to start understanding more of his research and the science behind lectin and casein. My boyfriend just ordered his book, The Plant Paradox and I’m excited to go through it together and learn more.
Love you guys.
Xo, Lea

Equipment Used in this Vlog
In order to add an extra layer of transparancy and value to my vlog's, I will be adding a list of equipment used at the bottom of each one! If you ever have questions about the gear I use, or how I use it - please don't hesitate to ask.
Microphone – Apogee Professional Microphone for Iphone/Ipad/Mac
Pop Filter - Earamble Studio Microphone Pop Filter
Foam Sound Shield - Neewer Professional Isolation Shield
Mic Stand Adapter - Apogee Adaptor
Camera – Iphone X
Camera Tripod – Amazon Basics Tripod
Smartphone Tripod Adaptor - KobraTech Tripod Adaptor
Lighting – LimoStudio 700W Softbox Lights
Video Editor – Imovie
Thumbnail Photo Editor – Snapseed
▶️ DTube
Ah man, I am where you were at a year ago-ish haha. I am still recovering from my car accident and now a major surgery, and I am on all of these steroids that make me retain water weight!
Prior to this I was fit and training for the police department. I hit the gym every day and ran every other day. This has really been a struggle.
Diet is also hard for me because I have 3 picky kids and while my hubs doesn't care what I make, he is a snacker, and it makes it hard to eat right hahaha.
(I am also a Coke addict...like the sugary sweet kind...not the white powdery kind. Bahaha)
I am inspired by your post however, and will try to do my best to improve after all this passes.
I always feel so much better when I am in good shape!
Great job with everything!!
Aww Beth I’m so sorry to hear about your accident!! Wow a major surgery and steroids sounds like a horrible ordeal. Do you think you’ll try training for the police department again once your healed? You would seriously kick ass at that job! 😉
I totally get what you mean about the people around us affecting our food habits. I don’t have any kids, but my boyfriend can eat like a freaking horse. When all that good food is around... it seems silly not to eat it. Haha The fact that he’s been eating healthier too has really helped.
Wishing you a quick recovery. ♥️
Talk about BRAVE! Wow @coruscate thank you for opening yourself up and being completely vulnerable in a way that was very courageous. I don’t think people have any idea how scary this must have been for you. You are so gutsy and I am once again impressed by your commitment to yourself and your followers:)
Aww thanks friend. This was definitely a “close my eyes and submit” moment. That’s where the growth happens! 😃😬
This was so uplifting and informative! I had to start taking a new medication this year, and seriously gained like 500 pounds in 3 months. Haven't been able to shake it. And I don't eat like you, but I don't eat like crap either. I've always had a really lean-metabolism. All my life. It was actually frustrating because I'd pig out and still be hungry. But now, I just LOOK at a tortilla and my body gains 10 pounds.
Anyway, this is a fun read. I'm going to check out your food ideas! This toxicity pyramid is new to me.
I'd love to hear about it when you get a minute to post on it!
Ahh I hear ya on the metabolism thing. 😞 I’m really glad you found some inspiration from this post! I felt like I was eating pretty healthy before too... but for me the big change was cutting certain foods like wheat, potatoes, rice, corn, beans and sugar. Thanks for letting me know that you are interesting in learning more about monk fruit! I am traveling starting tomorrow- but I’ll make a post on it next week! 😊
Hey @coruscate! I thought I'd let you know I'm doing a weekly show now. My debut is today. I'd love to have you pop in for a quick hello if you're around! Here are the details: https://steemit.com/steemstar/@littlescribe/sociopaths-puns-and-manbeards-littlescribe-streaming-live-8-pm-utc-1-pm-cst-wednesday
Love this on so many levels. First off, I'd rather pay the farmer now, rather than pay a doctor later. Yes, quality food is expensive, but we're investing in our health and our future.
And this post came at a perfect time for me because just last week I realized I was at my heaviest non-pregnant weight ever! As you know, we had a super long winter and my baby is starting to nurse less so I am on a mission to increase the greens and non-starchy veggies along with grass fed/pastures meats and fermented dairy. We've been making our own raw goat's milk kefir and it has saves me so much money!! Plus you can flavor it to your liking. We use drop of orange EO and a bit of honey or maple and it's delicious!
Anyway, looking forward to watching your videos later, but thanks for including a written post! Xo
I love your line about paying the farmer now. Such a good way to think about things!!
Amazing that you have a goat and are able to get raw, fresh goat milk!! I love goat products and it seems like it’s easier for the body to process compared to cows milk.
It’s harder to eat healthy in the winter I think... there are just not as many fresh fruits and vegetables available. Unless you count produce that has been picked way too early and shipped up from Mexico. 😜
Thanks for the feedback on having written content in my post! I try to do this with all of my videos and I’m glad you found it helpful!
Funny thing is, I’ve been experimenting with my diet since college and have reach similar conclusions over the years lol. Go figure.Way to go @coruscate!!!! Super proud of you for getting to an even healthier place.
That’s awesome! I remember you cutting back on carbs last year. That can really help. 😊
congrats mate Kudos to you.
Reducing toxins and the crap that you put into your body is the biggest hurdle in any weight loss process.
I see a lot of people getting suckered into all the Weight Watchers/Jenny Craig type rubbish, and they just end up heavier than they started.
The mental battle is also just as important. Until you realise you dont NEED that donut or ice cream, no matter how 'fat free' it is, then the efforts will all be for nil.
Such great points!! I too have known a lot of people who get pulled into those programs and buy low calorie foods that are full of chemicals and crap. Eating real, Whole Foods is so much better for long term health!
Nice Lea!!! It's an important topic. I'm down about 40 lbs from my heaviest. Exercise helps me out a lot but also a strict organic diet (except for when I'm traveling... that pizza was good!) Pain is a great motivator for me, when my lbs are up, my body gets mad at me and gives me lots of back pain. Cheers to your health!!!
Omg that pizza was surprisingly good considering we got it from a food court!! Haha
Congrats on 40 pounds! Wow, that is super impressive! I get you on the back pain/ body aches too. My body definitely feels happier at this lighter weight too.
Yeah it was! Thanks, yeah, it's funny how the body lets us know when we are treating it wrong. Have a great and healthy day!
@coruscate as i read about car accident i feel so sad for it ,exercises makes a men perfect and helps also mind to think fast and give energy to body .I hope this article inspire many people to do exercises..stay blessed.
Thank you. ♥️
When i visited LA in 2009 i was shocked how expensive fresh vegetables and fruits were in the Supermarket. A home made salad would result in Costs up to 10$ until 2015 food had been wqy cheaper in Germany.
Ooh I bet. LA is very over priced. Fresh produce is pretty expensive where I live too. 😞
Why? Taxes? Wages?
@alphasteem is doing interesting gardening stuff. Do you have a garden?
Coincidentally, I was at my annual check-up today and my Doctor recommended that I limit my consumption of corn, rice, wheat, potatoes or beans to one serving a day. His specific example was .
"If you have bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast, that's your limit for the day. That means no rice, pasta or potatoes for lunch or dinner."
For me, we are trying to keep cholesterol levels down.
Oh interesting!! Yeah, cutting out those items has made a huge difference in my health. Best of luck on your health journey!
Definitely a great way for those who are too busy to spend time on exercise. In this modern society, many like us work from morning till late evening. It leaves very little time at night for exercise. If changing diet and spending more can have such effect, it is really worth to try. There are so many slimming products that can easily cost thousands if we get them so slimming down naturally with food is really a great way. Thanks for sharing as slimming down is a concern of most people including my wife.
Focusing on diet is super important... especially for people like me who aren’t spending a lot of time working out!
I used to study a lot of human nutrition because 2 years ago I wanted to study it as a career, and I really support what you think. Exercise matters but diet is more important. And actually, some studies suggest that eating a couple cheat meals a week can be beneficial for your weigh loss as long as you keep consuming all the other nutrients, (specially those days you train more), of course it's a small amount of extra carbohydrates (around 100-200 kcal), don't overindulge! lol
You are doing great, keep it up :)
Ooh good information!! I’m glad to hear that my cheat meals are potentially helping me! I had slice of pizza last night... haha. It was probably more than 100-200 calories though. 😜
This makes me thirsty for a Berliner Weisse
I am German but i am never thirsty for this.
Lol savage!
very cool how I get one of those for myself?
@skyleap - right now a new one is 10 SBD - but it changes with the changing price of steem. He is a very nice guy. You can talk with him via steem.chat
Vielen dank for the info bruv! Really appreciate it!
Madam It is very important to exercise or exercise in every person's life, because it is possible to reduce excess cholesterol due to exercise by which people can keep their fat in their control and they can be very nice and attractive and attractive.
Madam, you've got this deficit of 25 pounds, it's really nice and extraordinary. It's going to fit very nicely with your fitness because you are very attractive and very good, for which your fitness was too good.
man I hope you keep your fitness from this way and you will not take very important exercise with yourself, for which your fitness will be very nice and very good and you will have a very smooth fitness.
Thank you for reading my post and pointing out the importance of fitness!
Hi, we have voted on your post because you have posted your article to either food, recipe, recipes, cooking or steemkitchen #tag. Steemkitchen is a brand new initiative where we want to build a community/guild focused purely on the foodie followers and lovers of the steem blockchain. Steemkitchen is in the conceptual phase and we would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.
Please consider joining us at our new discord server https://discord.gg/XE5fYnk
Also please consider joining our curation trail on https://steemauto.com/ to help support each other in this community of food and recipe lovers.
Kind Regards
Oh wow! It looks like you're a different person already with that appealing and toned tummy. Congratulations @coruscate for being fit and sexy!
Thank you! It feels really good to be at this point.
Hola @coruscate, ciertamente dicen que uno es lo que come. Y aunque el ejercicio ayuda notablemente, si lo acompañamos de una comida mas sana, sera mucho mejor.
This post was such an emotional roller coaster, like a straight ballet of emotion lol. Do you happen to have a workout playlist and if so what kinda tracks do you listen to?
@coruscate... Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us and this post is so informative and nicely written.. I learned a lot from it!... Nice one!
You look nice and slim.
Thank you!
Very good you have reduced 25 pounds your weight with diet, and minimal exercises. Now you are looking smart my dear friend.
not only Lost 25 Pounds, but exercise make us happier :)