All diseases begin in the gut! Free Immune Defense Summit.

in #health7 years ago (edited)


All diseases begin in the gut. That's according to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. See article here. -

Also 84 to 88% of our immune system is housed in our gut. So gut health is extremely important in regards to our overall immunity to disease and health. Therefore, learning about our gut health and immune system is critical. Join me and thousands of other in watching the free Immune Defense Summit. Join at the link below.

Thank you!


Good stuff to get out there!

Thank you sir! I appreciate it. Our health is up to ourselves. A lot of disease doesn't just happen. We've got to realize what we are putting into ourselves, both food and drink, matter. Thanks again for the comment.

Interesting information. I am planning on watching the immune defense summit.

Yes. Awesome. Glad to hear.

Myco-ZX is a unique, all-natural formula designed to support the body’s natural cleansing of yeast and fungal organisms. Made from wildcrafted and organically-certified herbs, Myco-ZX is formulated for maximum effectiveness.

Biome Defense by Infowars Life is a superior blend of 50 billion live and active cultures from 23 probiotic strains that support digestion and intestinal function and help boost the immune system.

Myco-ZX + Biome Defense

Thanks for that. I'll check it out.

Helps get rid of the bad fungus in the gut and replace it with the good bacteria.