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RE: Call to Action- Take care of yourself.

in #health8 years ago

Glad it didn't turn out to be anything really serious.

If you haven't heard of it before, look up costochondritis: it's an inflammation around the sternum and ribs around the center of your chest, usually from having your arms and shoulders pulled forward for longs periods of time, i.e. working on the computer all day. It depends on the kind of pain you're having, but there's a lot you can do to relax the muscles and hopefully get the pain to subside, if that is indeed the case.

Hope you feel better soon!


They didn't say any -itis but I hope what we have is nothing serious and all we need is to do some yoga sometimes. 🤗 its hard being at a laptop all day fixing whoever's problems.

Amen to that. Yoga and a foam roller have done wonders to keep me going.

Omg seems I have no choice
*gets up to exercise