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RE: Chapter 4: Fasting for Disease Therapy and Prevention

in #health7 years ago

Thank you for the upvote and resteem! The mental prep is a two-fold process in my experience. First as you say getting your mind behind your body is useful, but really avoiding stress is key. Every time I find myself in a stressful situation I stuff my face. The second thing is freeing yourself from faith in doctors. There is nothing wrong with relying on them especially if you have holes in your body and you are bleeding profusely. I'm talking about a faith like you might have in God. Doctors say you must "eat to keep up your strength" and have no training in fasting whatsoever, at least in developed countries. Fasting is perfect for people who have no time for special meal prep, counting calories, exercise, etc. You literally do NOTHING yet lose weight and gain health benefits. My personal story will be in chapter 6. I still have weight to lose and several health issues yet to put into remission. Again, read the books for the full story. No one should attempt a fast based on my snapshot of the books.


Thanks for the reply Chuck, I agree with all of your points. Good advice about avoiding stress.

Excellent stuff there Chuck, I also do a bit of fasting from time to time. It's always very beneficial.

My last major fast was last year with a 29 day water/urine fast.
I discovered Urine Therapy or Shivambu (what they call it in India) a few years ago and have been testing the various aspects with very positive results. Your own urine is nature's perfect medicine.
the book "water of life" by John W. Armstrong is an important resource.
I also attended the first annual Water of Life symposium back in September.

a really wonderful group of peeple.
if you're curious that link should get you started.

Maybe also google a guy Dave Murphy or steemit member;

There's a bunch of stuff about it on youtube.

cheers. A

and BTW I do mini-fasts Buddhist monk style everyday, which is to fast 18 hours a day. I start the day by drinking all my first morning pee. The pee really fine tunes your internals.

I'm pretty sure Jesus was fasting on urine when he did the 40 days in the wilderness.

the Water of Life describes some truly miraculous cures.
It is no surprise we carry that miracle around with us 24/7!

Thank you for this reply and upvote! Before I got to your hypothesis about Jesus and his 40-day fast I had the same thought. None of the books I've read required drinking your own urine in order to achieve remarkable healing and disease prevention benefits. Thank you for the links to the information. I will follow them up.

Urine is rarely mentioned because of the deep adverse western cultural conditioning in play.
this goes back to Shiva and his discussion with his wife Parvati. She wanted to know the secret of his effulgence. Shiva agreed to tell her, but she must keep it secret.
This tradition carries on through today in Hindu culture. Advanced yoga practitioners around the world know about urine therapy/Shivambu, but only tell their advanced students about it. (kinda like here with you, I mention it only because of your advanced awareness of the benefits of fasting)
The current bible keeps an even tighter leash on this information with only vague references like; "Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well."
UT is truly revolutionary and would upset the western medical profession of butchery and deadly poisonous drugs.

Things like UT and Bitcoin are indications that perhaps the dawn of a new age is truly upon us...
We now know the tools to be our own doctor and our own bank.
Cheers A.

A truly though provoking point. Thank you, sir!