Coconut tree is a member of the family Arecaceae and the only specie of genus cocus. Coconut is botanically a drupe and with scientific name cocos nucifera. The term coconut can be referred to whole coconut palm or fruit
In rhe body due to it's electrolyte content, coconut water improves nervous system function amd nerve transmission, it also help prevent muscle cramp and spasm. Coconut water contain cytokinin which protect cells from aging and Cancer.
Coconut oil is gotten from coconut and is rich in natural saturated fats. saturated fats convert bad cholesterol to good cholesterol and help to promote heart health and lower risks of heart diseases
Nutritional content of coconut includes minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins C, E, B1,B3,B5,B6. Coconut milk is lactose free unlike cow milk and are used as substitute for those with lactose intolerance. so start eating coconut
I hope u will find this educating
love coconut!
Love it too
Especially the water or juice