Heart Mom Diaries: Proud Mom of a Heart Warrior

in #health7 years ago (edited)

The day I found out that my daughter has a heart defect was the day that I almost lost my mind. It made me wish I can turn back time, it made me wish I have a million pesos, it made me wish I have a magic power that can cure her tiny heart, it made me wish anything that is impossible. Good thing I got back on track and learned to give my burdens to God. Coz afterall, I am nothing without Him. Everything that I see with my own eyes, everything that I can hold, everything that I love, I do not own them. In fact, I don't own anything.


The hardest thing for me is to give up everything to God almost every day. How can I give up someone I really love? I don't have a control on anything so I am left with the only choice - to trust in God, to trust His perfect timing. For me, that may be the only choice I have now but I know it is the best one because whatever we do, only God nows what's in store for us. We may do everything we can but His is the final say. So now, in this very difficult time of my life, I found shelter and peace in God.


Other people might think I am a strong person for still managing to smile while fighting this battle but I know that I am not alone. There are other mothers/parents like me in the whole world who is going through the same situation as I am and some may have it more difficult than mine so I really have to tighten my grip. Anything is possible with God, I always put not only in my mind but also in my heart.


This is so heart-wrenching. :( Stay strong for your daughter! She's very beautiful, and she will become strong with your love and care. God is a great God. He will not give us challenges we can't take. My prayers are with you. Hope to see your beautiful angel well and good.

God is good all the time! Thank you for the kind words and for dropping by as well. it feels good that there are people out there whom we doesn't personally know but wishes us well. :)