in #health7 years ago

diabetes-528678_1920.jpgn and consequently the deaths for problems linked to it. It would seem reasonable, wouldn’t it? so why no one does it?According to a study made by Cardiff University, the use of #insulin, the standard treatment for people suffering from type 2 #diabetes, triples the risk of death from heart attack, heart failure, acute kidney failure and #stroke. Other studies confirm that one of the main side effects of the "therapeutic" use of Insulin is #cancer. Although type 2 diabetes is classified as a disease of ‘wrong lifestyle', means poor diet and lack of exercise, the official treatment is a drug (insulin among other drugs). This is because, for #diabetologists, the goal is to lower blood sugar of patients and not to solve the disease definitively removing the causes. But since Diabetes 2 is a metabolic disease, the best and not damaging solution is the correction of nutritional mistakes. By using a personalized and appropriate diet it could be possible to prevent and often solve type 2 diabetes, obteining a drastic reduction of injection of insuli