source. The urethra is the last part of the urinary system that extends from the urinary bladder to the external environment. It is about 4cm long in females which is closely applied to the front wall of the vagina and opens just to the anterior to the vagina orifice. In males,it is about 20cm long and consist of 3parts called Prostatic urethra (3cm long),membranous urethra (2cm long) and the cavernous urethra (about 15cm long). Women have shorter urethra than men,this shortness and the closeness of the female urethra opening to the anus makes women to be more susceptible to infection of the bladder and the urinary tract. The external sphincter surrounds the urethral external orifice,so that when they contract the urethra is close. What is urethra stricture ?
It is the abnormal narrowing of the tube (urethra ) that carries urine out of the body from the bladder. The narrowing of the urethra obstructs urine from being expelled out of the body which can lead to urinary tract infections or inflammation
It is more common in males than females because they have long urethra.
Causes of urethra stricture
-Injury to the pelvic area e.g various injuries to the pelvic area can damage the urethra e.g falling from the tree or involvement in road accident can damage the urethra
-Infections,some infections that occur in the urinary tract can cause the urethra to be inflamed and swell there by preventing urine to drained out of the body,
Some of the infections include Sexually transmitted infections such as Gonorrhea :it is an infection cause by a bacterium called gonococcus. It is transmitted through having sex with infected person . Gonorrhea can spread up to the urethra and constrict it or narrow it forming a stricture.
Other causes include:Congenital abnormalities,Procedures that involve the insertion of tube into the urethra such as catherization, Tumors near the urethra ,Enlarged prostate(prostate gland is located between the penis and bladder )It surrounds the urethra . The prostate gland can grow bigger and partly obstruct the urethra
Signs and symptoms includes
Pain during urination(dysuria),urinary frequency( urine can leak out without the person's knowledge ),inability to completely empty the bladder, straining to urinate, Bloody or dark urine (especially in males),pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area, swelling of the penis,Distended abdomen, loss of bladder control,blood in semen.
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-Urethra dilation using Cystoscopy to widen and correct the problem
-Urethroplasty (a surgical procedure which involves the removing the diseased area),
In severe cases,when the bladder is completely damaged urine deviation is necessary . A surgery is perform to channel the urine through a hole in the abdomen. Then uses part of the intestine to link the opening to the ureters.
Prevention ;
Practicing of safer sex may decrease the risk of getting STIs and urethral stricture (Abstinence for singles ) To the married:Be faithful to one sexual partner (ur spouse)
-Treating urethra stricture quickly may prevent kidney or bladder complications, Complications of urethra stricture
Kidney failure, Urinary retention, bladder dysfunction,prostatitis, pyelonephritis,urinary infections and urinary calculus. source
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