Make Juice Not War

in #health7 years ago

Hey all! Making a daily green juice has been the single best way I have kept my husband and I healthy. We have not had the flu in years and I got my son healthy from strep without any pharmaceuticals. Use organic ingredients as much as possible. If organic is not doable, check out the dirty dozen list below and only buy these items organic. You can also peel your cucumbers if you have to buy conventional. Here is my favorite recipe from Kris Carr, that we have had everyday for years.

1/2 cucumber
A couple leaves of kale
A couple leaves of romaine
2 carrots
1/2 lemon
1/2-1 inch ginger
1/2-1 inch tumeric (if you can find it)
1 apple
1-2 celery stalks

This is a great recipe if you feel like doing a juice fast for a day too. Time to take back our health.


EWG clean fifteen/dirty dozen list: