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RE: I Have A Mission - Lower My Blood Pressure Naturally

in #health8 years ago

I am in the same boat... was taking two meds for high blood pressure for about a year and half - was the worst thing I ever did. Noticed severe adverse effects about a year into them, so the doctors decided to up my meds, and even felt worst..... decided to ween off both pills, and lose weight.... 30 pounds--- 15 togo.... having high blood pressure is 98% diet related -- if you stay away from smoking, fired foods, limit to very little dairy, and avoid more then two drinks of alcohol a day -- salt is okay, but you should avoid sugar if you have salt - or at least drink alot of water.. .... only my Opinion - most all doctors want you to believe high blood pressure in hereditary - bunch of crap..... most likey you eat the same stuff your relatives did.. you should clean out your fridge, of all sugar drinks.. and only drink water for a month.... weight loss is a big part of lowering your blood pressure...but also just as important is what you eat.. my two cents