Update on my husband and our Dr Visit

in #health6 years ago

I thought I'd update:

We went to the Dr. For Patrick's issues today. The Dr. Suggested several tests, starting with the least expensive/less serious.

First: we test for B12/thiamin and one other thing to see of those levels are off. $120?

Second, getting an ultrasound on his carotid arteries. Probably around $150-200 if it's the same a Abyni's U/s we got for her kidney stones.

If neither of those show anything, then it's an MRI to check for evidence of a stroke or potential stroke/TIA. $500ish through them. (Or the possibility that he's already HAD a small stroke that we missed)

He is also changing him from his current anti depressant to a different type in case that's making things worse.

So... That's where we stand at there's moment. And we need to get baby aspirin for him to take to help with the possibility of stroke issues.


So sorry to hear that. You really are being put through the ringer on a regular basis!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the update. I hope you get helpful answers!

So sorry to hear this!! Hoping you all find the answers soon. Xo

Posted using Partiko Android

Howdy Byn...I hope the tests find the least dangerous issue is the problem. I hope you can keep us updated somewhat and thanks for this update.

I'm so sorry to hear all this! Awful.