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RE: Fat Acceptance is Bullshit

in #health7 years ago

I mean there's a huge difference between "out of shape" and "medically unhealthy". I'm not saying being overweight is good for you, and it can definitely lead to medically unhealthy conditions (heart disease, hyper tension, diabetes, etc), but grouping all people that are out of shape into the same group is simplifying things and vilifying people in unproductive ways.

Let's take Donald Trump for example. He's in shit condition, but he's medically as healthy as anyone his age could hope to be. He looks like a slob, but his organs are chugging along just fine. Someone could be in perfect shape and still have underlying problems that are a bigger danger than working out can do anything about.

Some people just don't care about their weight. I'm fine with them living how they want to live. The people that suck are the ones that complain about it all the time but do nothing about it. Also a general societal encouragement of not being healthy sucks.

I read a reddit comment that poked some pretty solid fun at it: "KMart is changing their plus sized items to 'fabulous sized'. Hospitals are also now changing the name of Type 2 Diabetes to 'Fabulous Diabetes'.