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RE: New Study Suggests Blood Proteins May Be Useful in Testing for Autism

in #health8 years ago

I hate these kinds of tests.
I hate them even worse because of the control freak govern-cement that wants to label and forget. Meaning, you are put into a box that you can never get out of, and you lose rights for being in that box.

Currently, the best test for Narcissism is to give the person a page of the most salient points of narcissism and then ask the person, are you a narcissist.

The problem with autism is that the person with it, doesn't know anything but. i.e. If success is measure by how well you climb a tree, then the fish is never going to measure up.

And really, what is needed is to understand "normal". And then be given tools of dealing with normal people. Yes, normal people are insane, and expect you to read between the lines instead of listening to their words.


Sorry you hate them. I like them. I agree about your points about normality vs abnormality though.

Sometimes finding out why a person is behaving in what appears to be a strange or abnormal manner can help to diagnose an issue, and vastly increase not only that person's quality of life but also the knowledge and understanding of those that around them.