Fortunately, such a world cannot exist.
The reality is that every disease exists within you, right now.
If we had accurate enough tests, we would find every disease already in your system. (so why aren't you sick?)
Sterilization has been shown to actually make diseases more prevalent. Super bacteria able to withstand treatment are now common.
Super-diseases are common in hospitals, the supposedly most sterilized place.
And we haven't even gone into why people get diseases.
But, the important part is the reporting on your neighbors mentality that runs through that dystopian culture.
That is one of those destructive things where govern-cement have placed themselves in the role of parents, and the people have been indoctrinated to believe they are doing the correct thing in snitching, and that is what "good people" do.
I hope this show has these "good people" getting thrown into the system.
Good points, thanks for the feedback.