Things got quiet about the bad side effects from the experimental "vaccine" that didn't stop covid, broke people's immunity, and seems to have caused more harm than good.
I honestly think a lot of people were embarrassed they got scammed so hard and not everyone is gasping for breath with all the inflation related issues. People get exhausted with it.
It is unclear what the exact situation is with Jamie Fox and truly what his current state is. Supposedly they forced him to get the "vaccine" for a recent role. He didn't want to get it but the producer kept trying to push it.
The part I don't understand is if he was so opposed to it and held out for this long why he didn't get a blank vaxxxx card and just fill it out?
Evidently patents pertaining to Corona virus with a spike protein were filed as far back as 1990. We knew they were modifying the virus at Pfizer but it appears to go way further back than I originally thought.
This video is pretty insane. It is like no one ends up getting in trouble for a lot of this stuff. They just skate by playing everyone for financial gain.
I still to this day will see remote IT positions saying you have to have the vaccine. International travelers can't enter the US without proof of the vaccine to my knowledge yet millions can illegally flood across the border.
Nothing makes sense anymore. Hopefully Jamie Foxx can make the best recovery he can and inform us what happened.
I have a friend at the gym who is 27 in good shape that just had his hearing go out in one ear out of nowhere. He feels it was because he got the "vaccine" as others have experienced this neurological issue resulting in sudden hearing loss.
There really is no telling what issues will crop up. One thing is for sure. A lot of the stuff of people talking out about this stuff has diminished a lot as if it is old news and I feel that a lot of people who bought into the "vaccine" kept doubling down and still act like it is "safe and effective" when it was clearly a scam. Pfizer already made $100 Billion off it and can't face repercussions in the United States.
I guess in Australia they have been filing lawsuits against the drug companies. Here the drug companies are exempt.
It's hard to say if the various issues people are experiencing are because of the shots. My sister and dad had sudden health issues and they both got the "vaccine".
I'm the only one in my family who didn't get any of the "vaccines" or booster bullshit.
I got two doses of the vaccine and after that health problems began, I feel that it all started with the vaccine...
I'm sorry to hear that. Seems to be a common trend with a lot of people and the unfortunate thing is all the people who pushed the shots sort of just ignores the people who got injured.
For many at a corporate level this was about profits, but not just about that. For some even higher than that, it has more to do with their future plans involving the need to get rid of "worthless humans" as Dr Yuval Noah Harari says. Depopulation is also a major motivation.
I don't think humans are at the top of the food chain. It will soon be time for "harvest"...
Protect yourself...
It certainly seems like something like that. As if an Alien species left us here to grow but we are just cattle essentially.
It cracked me up because the guy was trying to get to the other side to have a harem. 😁 It's not a bad plan.
I'm thinking more and more that we are in a video game and some Alien teenagers are playing us. Or it is a simulated sand box to see if we come up with technology or solve the problem of interstellar travel in a different fashion than they have figured out. Like we are one big AI sandbox simulation.