Dear office athletes^^
I work as an IT freelancer and sit mainly in the office or at home in front of my computer. This is not really healthy for my body as they say: "Sitting is the new smoking". Trying to go to the gym 2-3 times a week, I accomplish my "goals" sometimes, but in busy weeks, when the project needs to be delivered, I fail completely.
I have been a professional tennis player in my teenager years. I had more than enough fitness activity and fresh air every day and could eat whatever i wanted, without worrying. Now I am 35 and have spend over 10 years in various office jobs. Looking at my fellow co-workers I can hardly imagine that i ever want to look as unfit as they are, but my destiny is leading me there if I don't change something drastically.
Anyways I was looking for role models and alternatives how to combine work and staying fit. From adjustable tables to the craziest inventions, which I think are total none sense, like integrated cardio machine workplaces, these odd "pezy" balls to sit on??? I dont think so, it looks ridiculous and I am not sure it has any effect.
I still don't have the solution. (Quitting my office job and becoming a personal trainer would be an option or working as a lumberjack, bit no thanks). Maybe somebody out there knows how to combine working and staying fit. Let me know how you manage your "work/fitness" balance.
So in the meantime I am still going to work and sometimes working from home, which enables me to move around more. Going to the gym and really working a lot with my own body work seemed a lot more effective. Only tried Calisthenics for a few month now. Really inspiring is the guy from thenX, Chris Heria:
Also believe that what you eat and how much/ how often you eat is also changing a lot about how your body transforms.
The regular things like cutting down on sugar seem to make sense. What I always didn't like about "diets" is that you have to eat things that don't taste good. I don't want to make these sacrifices. There are plenty of good foods that are healthy and taste awesome. Pinterest has been a great inspiration:
Like I said. Still haven't found the perfect way, but I am working on it...
Hey Blocklab, love the topic.
I have constructed my own standing desk to do my "office work". Standing is muuuuch better than sitting. Sitting is unnatural, really. I also work out about 4 times a week and I found that sitting just makes my muscles hurt. I try to avoid it.
try a foam roller or a lacrosse ball to massage tension points
Joe DeFranco has an excellent stretching routine (especially the hipflexers - number 11)
also, when it comes to diet, i try to eat primal. meaning, low, to no sugar.
this video changed my live:
keep it up! You are on the right path
Hey @alexanarcho thx for your feedback. I actually just bought a "blackroll" to add some flexibility and massage exercises to my workout.
don't we all have the same problem? lol
personally, I go to the gym as a coping mechanism against stress. I don't do diets. Because of my high muscle structure, I mostly eat proteins (even ham or sausages, even better if it's crudo). carbs make me sluggish, nervous and sleepy.
My friends always point out why i don't gain weight: the secret is green tea. don't overdo it because it has more caffeine than coffee lol .
eating regime is important but you can focus on increasing body endurance that is do more weights than cardio :)
thx for the reply - will include your tipps into my plan :)
i know the trouble with the "Sitting-Office-Jobs" - thats why i quit my job and travel around the world. After one year i will come back and look for a "Not-only-sitting-thing" :D
sounds great gregork. i already quit my job 2 years ago, but landed in the same trap as a freelance consultant now -.-