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RE: Most Teens Aren't Active Enough

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Upvoted and followed! --

Very good to highlight this point again and again -- and, yes, school schedules need to change in order to allow young persons not only to exercise but also being themselves for a few hours per day.

With being themselves obviously I mean doing something useful like 'vigorous physical activity' -- though not necessarily in a "prescribed" manner, like simply cycling with their friends (they do that rather fast -- I remember I did...!!), just running around (playing 'hide and seek' or 'catch and tickle the girls' etc), even read a book or "only" walk around and take a good look at their surroundings -- but do something (which just is not brainlessly clicking through some app or other artificial stuff like TV, gyms & 'climbing walls', VR parlours, or the cinema and fast-food outfit, that is)...

Geez -- do we really have to write books, scientific studies, blog posts these days in order for them to get it?!