I don't think this is specific to rednecks but we as a community do seem to participate in it an awful lot. I have no shame about this and honestly don't care what other people think about me because of it. Why do I love fast food? Mostly because it is fast but also because it is a good value.

My favorite fast-food joint is without question, Taco Bell. when they released the Doritos Locos Tacos I had my doubts but I am relatively convinced that this is one of the best tasting things on the planet. I'd love to get Gordon Ramsay's take on this because I don't see how anyone can eat one of these, especially the supreme ones, and not enjoy them. I recall a time when a friend of mine from college and I got back together for a visit and he was insisting that we go to some fancy-pants place that sells premium tacos. I insisted we go to Taco Bell and once he had the Doritos Locos taco supreme, he was converted. This guy is a very different person from me as he is very urban, quite liberal, and works in a completely different field than I do.
At least we can come together on something and Taco Bell is the answer to that.
I also enjoy the classics like McDonalds but I don't really dive into their fancy burgers that they are always introducing. I tend to only order basic cheeseburgers and maybe some chicken McNuggets, which apparently are made from the worst parts of the chicken but dude, if you can make the "bad" meat taste like that, I say go for it.

yeah it's basic and doesn't have anything exotic on it but I think I know the reason why that is: It doesn't need anything else. It's meat, pickles, a bit of onions, and a bun. It's perfect and there is no reason to even attempt to improve upon it. Well, unless you are going to splurge and get a double cheeseburger or a quarter pounder which are essentially the same thing but bigger.
I have even been known to dabble with Arby's even though people seem to have a more negative opinion of this chain and it isn't nearly as popular as the other ones. Once again people love to talk about how the meat they sell there is substandard. I will reiterate what I said before: If you can make it taste that good then I honestly don't care what it is made of.
While I don't think this is a purely redneck phenomenon seeing as how there aren't enough of us to support the tens of thousands of these franchises that exist - I do know that in the redneck community that you will never be looked down upon by others because you like it. I get it several times a week and I have zero intention of stopping.
I am however one of those guys that gets the big meal with a Diet Coke because over the years I have actually started to enjoy the taste of sugar substitutes over the real thing - which we don't really have in USA anyway because they use that sweet corn crap anyway.
I'll admit to liking a few things at fast few restaurants, and to indulging now and then, but only when I am on a long drive. I often don't feel good after I eat that stuff. But McDonald's double cheeseburgers hit the spot, I'm looking forward to Tacp Bell's opening in this redneck town I now live in, and Roy Roger's chicken tastes pretty darn good on a road trip.
sounds like you got all the bases covered there. I think I'll hit up Roy Rogers. it's been a while since I went to that place.
Fast food isn't as good of a deal as it used to be. In fact, you can go to a sit-down chain restaurant and get a meal (especially if you are getting a lunch special) for almost the same price. Taco Bell is still pretty cheap but even McDonald's has gotten pretty absurd on prices. At least for their typical "value" meals.
Yeah, I know what you mean. When I was in college, which was a while ago mind you, Taco Bell had a menu called 69-79-99 meaning that this was how many cents it cost to get the items in question. Now if you want two tacos you are already getting close to $4. I remember being able to go to the Bell with a friend and have $5 between us, get a mountain of food and expect to receive change as well!
I don't think it makes you lower class as this is what you have grown up on obviously and enjoy. I on the other hand cannot eat McDonalds and would rather go hungry as I have higher standards lol. Again it is what you are bought up on and my dad was a chef so I expect far more even if it is fast food. The last time I ate McDonalds was possibly 25- 30 years ago. Their milkshakes are great, but the food sucks.
We are all products of our environments! My mother was a great cook and my Dad was pretty skilled at the BBQ grill as well. I think I developed my love for fast food in college where I had very little money and since I lived in a dorm i didn't even have access to a kitchen at all.
Now that makes more sense why you prefer fast food as there had to be a good reason for this.
I miss being able to eat fast food, but food allergies force me to be cautious. I need to carefully inspect their informational posters and hope cross-contamination isn't too severe. Slow food isn't even always safe. Do I trust the cook to be as diligent as I need to be?
oooh that sucks. I guess I am just fortunate to not be allergic to anything that i am aware of anyway.