Look at the bottom of this glass of tap water that was distilled in my city and see the silt, dirt, and heavy toxins left over! The water is distilled (turned to water vapour) and moves out to another container, and this is left over in the bottom of the container.

It may be different from city to city of course but I am in Canada, east of Toronto where "water quality" is supposed to be good.
We pay ridiculous taxes, for such clean water of course. This is the supposed great Western civilized world where everything is great, shiny ponies and unicorns exist and the government and media looking after us and reporting truth to residents can never do wrong by.......
We the People.

Top Resources for you on this subject today:
Please use the resources here today to learn the issues and the facts before you comment. No matter what side of this you are on.
This is not a conspiracy theory. The chemical and medical evidence and FACTS -- are overwhelming and actually pretty simple.
This poison is being dumped in water supplies worldwide and ruins your health. Short and Sweet.
They will always be here. I may keep blogging on this issue in the future. I've addressed it here before.
We are all in this together.
Resources I own or run where I pulled photos, memes, some info from today along with above sites:
-- https://www.facebook.com/barrydutton/media_set?set=a.10151431831120915.539605.584855914&type=3
-- https://www.facebook.com/FluorideFreeOshawa/
VIDEO: Dr. Paul Connett
- World Renowned Fluoride Expert.
I Appear In & Put This Video Together w. Activists:
The following video is a 2 hour and 13 min. resource I put together.
I drove to Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2013, to shoot this footage with world renowned anti fluoride activist Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network ( http://fluoridealert.org/ )
I have run the Fluoride Free Oshawa group for years and have been politically on the record as opposing fluoride. I have documents from the Regional Health heads stating where the fluoride comes from tied to US fertilizer plants and that it costs WELL in excess of $100k/year.
I am the fellow in the blue suit sitting RIGHT in front of the camera, right in front of Paul. I do make several statements in the video. I was glad to work with the Fluoride Free Toronto group to promote this event and awareness of this issue.
Whether you are pro/anti fluoride -- or just learning about this toxic political soup poisoning your kids and families and pets, please watch this video.
Dr. Connett is a WORLD WIDE SPEAKER AND EXPERT on this issue.
Most people tied to the state / pro fluoride agenda, refuse to debate him on camera or in public because he is so well versed and prepared.
You can challenge a lot.... but you want a medical opinion that opposes the general statist agenda on this?? --- Here it is.
Today in the Fluoride Market:.. (Racket is appropriate also)
And that's what it is when you know where it comes from & why it's allowed....
This week in Fluoride!
Easily synthesized compound found to be useful for removing fluoride and metal ions from drinking water
via: www.Phys.org
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-11-easily-compound-fluoride-metal-ions.html#jCp
(Phys.org)—A pair of researchers at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata has found that an easily synthesized compound can be used to remove fluoride and metal ions from drinking water.
In their paper published in the journal ACS Omega, Tanmay Das and Debasish Haldar describe how the compound was synthesized and how well it performed under various testing regimens.
Called Zwitterionic spirocyclic Meisenheimer complex 1, the compound was synthesized from picric acid and N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The result, the researchers claim, is a compound that can be used to remove a host of pollutants from drinking water.
As the researchers note, drinking water is a key resource as the world's population increases. In addition to the water needed to quench the thirst of billions of people, water is used in agriculture to feed all those people and to create products for them to use. As they further note, pulling water from underground reservoirs to water crops leads to an increase in fluoride and arsenic in the water that is pulled up for drinking. In addition, a host of modern manufacturing processes release a wide variety of metals into streams and other water supplies.
Dad and Haldar note that many methods have been developed to remove toxins in water, but they are single-purpose remedies. The researchers seek a universal compound that can remove most of the materials in one fell swoop—compound 1, they claim, appears to be that solution.
After synthesizing the compound, which repels water, the researchers tested its ability to clean drinking water. They added a host of metal ions to a glass of water and then poured it through a gel containing their compound. They report that the absorption capacity was approximately 99 percent. Testing revealed that the compound was successful at removing large amounts of lead, mercury, copper, iron and fluoride—reducing most to levels below World Health Organization standards. Furthermore, they found a sponge containing the compound could be used to remove oils from water, suggesting it could also be used to clean oil spills.
-- More information: Tanmay Das et al. Mopping up the Oil, Metal, and Fluoride Ions from Water, ACS Omega (2017). DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01379
The recycle, cleaning, and reuse of water are highly important for environmental remediation. This issue is addressed by creating a fluorescent zwitterionic spirocyclic Meisenheimer complex with high chelating propensity for toxic metals using low-cost starting materials and a one-pot synthesis technique.
The resulting material is able to detect fluoride up to 12.8 ppb level and remove 82% aqueous fluoride from 1000 mL of 100 ppm fluoride solution in a single contact. The material demonstrates rapid kinetics and is capable of dropping the toxic metal ion (Pb/Hg/Cd) concentration below 0.2 ppb within 10 min. A resin-free, precipitation-free, and reusable technique has been developed for the removal of toxic metal ions and fluoride from extremely polluted water.
Moreover, utilizing its extreme hydrophobicity, polystyrene sponges have been coated with the Meisenheimer complex to mop up oil spill and organic solvents from a biphasic mixture.
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-11-easily-compound-fluoride-metal-ions.html#jCp
The Federal EPA in the United States (Environmental Protection Agency) is actually being sued over this by the Fluoride Action Network:

Letter addressed to a resident enquiry on fluoridation. Austrian Head of Water Department states fluoride is "toxic" in his brief reply on the record:

“Toxic fluorides have never been added to the public water supplies in Austria.”
SOURCE: M. Eisenhut, Head of Water Department, Osterreichische Yereinigung fur das Gas-und Wasserfach Schubertring 14, A-1015 Wien, Austria, February 17, 2000.
European Governments/ Official Statements Opposing TOXIC Water Fluoridation:

Past Episodes (in Part:)
Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!
Some of my recent blogs:
If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.
LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE
Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477
Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c
EOS (EOS) - 0xD37bEFf5bf07E3aa432de00cE0AaA8df603A4fB0
Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX
DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS
PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh
Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff
Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv
ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, trying to build community, put out content and engage people, help and donate to people, and I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.

Look at the bottom of this glass of tap water that was distilled in my city and see the silt, dirt, and heavy toxins left over! The water is distilled (turned to water vapour) and moves out to another container, and this is left over in the bottom of the container.
It may be different from city to city of course but I am in Canada, east of Toronto where "water quality" is supposed to be good.
We pay ridiculous taxes, for such clean water of course. This is the supposed great Western civilized world where everything is great, shiny ponies and unicorns exist and the government and media looking after us and reporting truth to residents can never do wrong by.......
We the People.
Top Resources for you on this subject today:
Please use the resources here today to learn the issues and the facts before you comment. No matter what side of this you are on.
This is not a conspiracy theory. The chemical and medical evidence and FACTS -- are overwhelming and actually pretty simple.
This poison is being dumped in water supplies worldwide and ruins your health. Short and Sweet.
They will always be here. I may keep blogging on this issue in the future. I've addressed it here before.
We are all in this together.
Resources I own or run where I pulled photos, memes, some info from today along with above sites:
-- https://www.facebook.com/barrydutton/media_set?set=a.10151431831120915.539605.584855914&type=3
-- https://www.facebook.com/FluorideFreeOshawa/
VIDEO: Dr. Paul Connett
- World Renowned Fluoride Expert.
I Appear In & Put This Video Together w. Activists:
The following video is a 2 hour and 13 min. resource I put together.
I drove to Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 2013, to shoot this footage with world renowned anti fluoride activist Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network ( http://fluoridealert.org/ )
I have run the Fluoride Free Oshawa group for years and have been politically on the record as opposing fluoride. I have documents from the Regional Health heads stating where the fluoride comes from tied to US fertilizer plants and that it costs WELL in excess of $100k/year.
I am the fellow in the blue suit sitting RIGHT in front of the camera, right in front of Paul. I do make several statements in the video. I was glad to work with the Fluoride Free Toronto group to promote this event and awareness of this issue.
Whether you are pro/anti fluoride -- or just learning about this toxic political soup poisoning your kids and families and pets, please watch this video.
Dr. Connett is a WORLD WIDE SPEAKER AND EXPERT on this issue.
Most people tied to the state / pro fluoride agenda, refuse to debate him on camera or in public because he is so well versed and prepared.
You can challenge a lot.... but you want a medical opinion that opposes the general statist agenda on this?? --- Here it is.
Today in the Fluoride Market:.. (Racket is appropriate also)
And that's what it is when you know where it comes from & why it's allowed....
This week in Fluoride!
Easily synthesized compound found to be useful for removing fluoride and metal ions from drinking water
via: www.Phys.org
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-11-easily-compound-fluoride-metal-ions.html#jCp
(Phys.org)—A pair of researchers at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata has found that an easily synthesized compound can be used to remove fluoride and metal ions from drinking water.
In their paper published in the journal ACS Omega, Tanmay Das and Debasish Haldar describe how the compound was synthesized and how well it performed under various testing regimens.
Called Zwitterionic spirocyclic Meisenheimer complex 1, the compound was synthesized from picric acid and N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The result, the researchers claim, is a compound that can be used to remove a host of pollutants from drinking water.
As the researchers note, drinking water is a key resource as the world's population increases. In addition to the water needed to quench the thirst of billions of people, water is used in agriculture to feed all those people and to create products for them to use. As they further note, pulling water from underground reservoirs to water crops leads to an increase in fluoride and arsenic in the water that is pulled up for drinking. In addition, a host of modern manufacturing processes release a wide variety of metals into streams and other water supplies.
Dad and Haldar note that many methods have been developed to remove toxins in water, but they are single-purpose remedies. The researchers seek a universal compound that can remove most of the materials in one fell swoop—compound 1, they claim, appears to be that solution.
After synthesizing the compound, which repels water, the researchers tested its ability to clean drinking water. They added a host of metal ions to a glass of water and then poured it through a gel containing their compound. They report that the absorption capacity was approximately 99 percent. Testing revealed that the compound was successful at removing large amounts of lead, mercury, copper, iron and fluoride—reducing most to levels below World Health Organization standards. Furthermore, they found a sponge containing the compound could be used to remove oils from water, suggesting it could also be used to clean oil spills.
-- More information: Tanmay Das et al. Mopping up the Oil, Metal, and Fluoride Ions from Water, ACS Omega (2017). DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01379
The recycle, cleaning, and reuse of water are highly important for environmental remediation. This issue is addressed by creating a fluorescent zwitterionic spirocyclic Meisenheimer complex with high chelating propensity for toxic metals using low-cost starting materials and a one-pot synthesis technique.
The resulting material is able to detect fluoride up to 12.8 ppb level and remove 82% aqueous fluoride from 1000 mL of 100 ppm fluoride solution in a single contact. The material demonstrates rapid kinetics and is capable of dropping the toxic metal ion (Pb/Hg/Cd) concentration below 0.2 ppb within 10 min. A resin-free, precipitation-free, and reusable technique has been developed for the removal of toxic metal ions and fluoride from extremely polluted water.
Moreover, utilizing its extreme hydrophobicity, polystyrene sponges have been coated with the Meisenheimer complex to mop up oil spill and organic solvents from a biphasic mixture.
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-11-easily-compound-fluoride-metal-ions.html#jCp
The Federal EPA in the United States (Environmental Protection Agency) is actually being sued over this by the Fluoride Action Network:

Letter addressed to a resident enquiry on fluoridation. Austrian Head of Water Department states fluoride is "toxic" in his brief reply on the record:

“Toxic fluorides have never been added to the public water supplies in Austria.”
SOURCE: M. Eisenhut, Head of Water Department, Osterreichische Yereinigung fur das Gas-und Wasserfach Schubertring 14, A-1015 Wien, Austria, February 17, 2000.
European Governments/ Official Statements Opposing TOXIC Water Fluoridation:

Past Episodes (in Part:)
Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!
Some of my recent blogs:
If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.
LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE
Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477
Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c
EOS (EOS) - 0xD37bEFf5bf07E3aa432de00cE0AaA8df603A4fB0
Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX
DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS
PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh
Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff
Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv
ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, trying to build community, put out content and engage people, help and donate to people, and I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.
Today in the Fluoride Market:.. (Racket is appropriate also)
And that's what it is when you know where it comes from & why it's allowed....
This week in Fluoride!
Easily synthesized compound found to be useful for removing fluoride and metal ions from drinking water
via: www.Phys.org
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-11-easily-compound-fluoride-metal-ions.html#jCp
(Phys.org)—A pair of researchers at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata has found that an easily synthesized compound can be used to remove fluoride and metal ions from drinking water.
In their paper published in the journal ACS Omega, Tanmay Das and Debasish Haldar describe how the compound was synthesized and how well it performed under various testing regimens.
Called Zwitterionic spirocyclic Meisenheimer complex 1, the compound was synthesized from picric acid and N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The result, the researchers claim, is a compound that can be used to remove a host of pollutants from drinking water.
As the researchers note, drinking water is a key resource as the world's population increases. In addition to the water needed to quench the thirst of billions of people, water is used in agriculture to feed all those people and to create products for them to use. As they further note, pulling water from underground reservoirs to water crops leads to an increase in fluoride and arsenic in the water that is pulled up for drinking. In addition, a host of modern manufacturing processes release a wide variety of metals into streams and other water supplies.
Dad and Haldar note that many methods have been developed to remove toxins in water, but they are single-purpose remedies. The researchers seek a universal compound that can remove most of the materials in one fell swoop—compound 1, they claim, appears to be that solution.
After synthesizing the compound, which repels water, the researchers tested its ability to clean drinking water. They added a host of metal ions to a glass of water and then poured it through a gel containing their compound. They report that the absorption capacity was approximately 99 percent. Testing revealed that the compound was successful at removing large amounts of lead, mercury, copper, iron and fluoride—reducing most to levels below World Health Organization standards. Furthermore, they found a sponge containing the compound could be used to remove oils from water, suggesting it could also be used to clean oil spills.
-- More information: Tanmay Das et al. Mopping up the Oil, Metal, and Fluoride Ions from Water, ACS Omega (2017). DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01379
The recycle, cleaning, and reuse of water are highly important for environmental remediation. This issue is addressed by creating a fluorescent zwitterionic spirocyclic Meisenheimer complex with high chelating propensity for toxic metals using low-cost starting materials and a one-pot synthesis technique.
The resulting material is able to detect fluoride up to 12.8 ppb level and remove 82% aqueous fluoride from 1000 mL of 100 ppm fluoride solution in a single contact. The material demonstrates rapid kinetics and is capable of dropping the toxic metal ion (Pb/Hg/Cd) concentration below 0.2 ppb within 10 min. A resin-free, precipitation-free, and reusable technique has been developed for the removal of toxic metal ions and fluoride from extremely polluted water.
Moreover, utilizing its extreme hydrophobicity, polystyrene sponges have been coated with the Meisenheimer complex to mop up oil spill and organic solvents from a biphasic mixture.
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-11-easily-compound-fluoride-metal-ions.html#jCp
The Federal EPA in the United States (Environmental Protection Agency) is actually being sued over this by the Fluoride Action Network:

Letter addressed to a resident enquiry on fluoridation. Austrian Head of Water Department states fluoride is "toxic" in his brief reply on the record:

“Toxic fluorides have never been added to the public water supplies in Austria.”
SOURCE: M. Eisenhut, Head of Water Department, Osterreichische Yereinigung fur das Gas-und Wasserfach Schubertring 14, A-1015 Wien, Austria, February 17, 2000.
European Governments/ Official Statements Opposing TOXIC Water Fluoridation:

Past Episodes (in Part:)
Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!
Some of my recent blogs:
If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.
LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE
Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477
Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c
EOS (EOS) - 0xD37bEFf5bf07E3aa432de00cE0AaA8df603A4fB0
Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX
DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS
PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh
Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff
Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv
ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, trying to build community, put out content and engage people, help and donate to people, and I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.
Today in the Fluoride Market:.. (Racket is appropriate also)
And that's what it is when you know where it comes from & why it's allowed....
This week in Fluoride!
Easily synthesized compound found to be useful for removing fluoride and metal ions from drinking water
via: www.Phys.org
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-11-easily-compound-fluoride-metal-ions.html#jCp
(Phys.org)—A pair of researchers at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata has found that an easily synthesized compound can be used to remove fluoride and metal ions from drinking water.
In their paper published in the journal ACS Omega, Tanmay Das and Debasish Haldar describe how the compound was synthesized and how well it performed under various testing regimens.
Called Zwitterionic spirocyclic Meisenheimer complex 1, the compound was synthesized from picric acid and N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The result, the researchers claim, is a compound that can be used to remove a host of pollutants from drinking water.
As the researchers note, drinking water is a key resource as the world's population increases. In addition to the water needed to quench the thirst of billions of people, water is used in agriculture to feed all those people and to create products for them to use. As they further note, pulling water from underground reservoirs to water crops leads to an increase in fluoride and arsenic in the water that is pulled up for drinking. In addition, a host of modern manufacturing processes release a wide variety of metals into streams and other water supplies.
Dad and Haldar note that many methods have been developed to remove toxins in water, but they are single-purpose remedies. The researchers seek a universal compound that can remove most of the materials in one fell swoop—compound 1, they claim, appears to be that solution.
After synthesizing the compound, which repels water, the researchers tested its ability to clean drinking water. They added a host of metal ions to a glass of water and then poured it through a gel containing their compound. They report that the absorption capacity was approximately 99 percent. Testing revealed that the compound was successful at removing large amounts of lead, mercury, copper, iron and fluoride—reducing most to levels below World Health Organization standards. Furthermore, they found a sponge containing the compound could be used to remove oils from water, suggesting it could also be used to clean oil spills.
-- More information: Tanmay Das et al. Mopping up the Oil, Metal, and Fluoride Ions from Water, ACS Omega (2017). DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b01379
The recycle, cleaning, and reuse of water are highly important for environmental remediation. This issue is addressed by creating a fluorescent zwitterionic spirocyclic Meisenheimer complex with high chelating propensity for toxic metals using low-cost starting materials and a one-pot synthesis technique.
The resulting material is able to detect fluoride up to 12.8 ppb level and remove 82% aqueous fluoride from 1000 mL of 100 ppm fluoride solution in a single contact. The material demonstrates rapid kinetics and is capable of dropping the toxic metal ion (Pb/Hg/Cd) concentration below 0.2 ppb within 10 min. A resin-free, precipitation-free, and reusable technique has been developed for the removal of toxic metal ions and fluoride from extremely polluted water.
Moreover, utilizing its extreme hydrophobicity, polystyrene sponges have been coated with the Meisenheimer complex to mop up oil spill and organic solvents from a biphasic mixture.
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2017-11-easily-compound-fluoride-metal-ions.html#jCp
The Federal EPA in the United States (Environmental Protection Agency) is actually being sued over this by the Fluoride Action Network:

Letter addressed to a resident enquiry on fluoridation. Austrian Head of Water Department states fluoride is "toxic" in his brief reply on the record:

“Toxic fluorides have never been added to the public water supplies in Austria.”
SOURCE: M. Eisenhut, Head of Water Department, Osterreichische Yereinigung fur das Gas-und Wasserfach Schubertring 14, A-1015 Wien, Austria, February 17, 2000.
European Governments/ Official Statements Opposing TOXIC Water Fluoridation:

Past Episodes (in Part:)
Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!
Some of my recent blogs:
If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.
LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE
Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477
Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c
EOS (EOS) - 0xD37bEFf5bf07E3aa432de00cE0AaA8df603A4fB0
Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX
DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS
PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh
Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff
Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv
ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, trying to build community, put out content and engage people, help and donate to people, and I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.

The Federal EPA in the United States (Environmental Protection Agency) is actually being sued over this by the Fluoride Action Network:
Letter addressed to a resident enquiry on fluoridation. Austrian Head of Water Department states fluoride is "toxic" in his brief reply on the record:
“Toxic fluorides have never been added to the public water supplies in Austria.”
SOURCE: M. Eisenhut, Head of Water Department, Osterreichische Yereinigung fur das Gas-und Wasserfach Schubertring 14, A-1015 Wien, Austria, February 17, 2000.
European Governments/ Official Statements Opposing TOXIC Water Fluoridation:
Past Episodes (in Part:)
Thanks for reading, have a nice day.
If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!
Some of my recent blogs:
If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.
LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE
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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, trying to build community, put out content and engage people, help and donate to people, and I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.
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Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX
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ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL
We get our water from findaspring.com. Find one near you and look at the tests. No fluoride!
excellent coverage on the topic of fluoride. While the dose always makes the poison, no amount of this toxic byproduct should be consumed if one can help it. It is a terrible truth to learn that human populations are used as a convenient filtration system for toxic waste byproducts.
I found articles today by the phosphate/aluminum/fluoride/fertilizer industries in their trade magazines updated this week, I have committed to only discuss ONE new topic/update each week, to keep it shorter and better for people.... that nearly made it in.
I opted today to go with very positive news as you might have seen in the TWIF Update portion for this week's news on removal techniques!
Prenatal Fluoride Exposure Linked To Reduced Cognitive Functions in Children (Harvard and NHP studies)
UV that comment, good for you!!!!!
I believe that the Trump regime is secretly adding canine hormones to the public water supply to make the American public mindlessly obedient.
Been going on a long time now LOL, not all dogs are obedient anyways...... they must be free thinkers LOL
i gain huge knowledge for health..thank you very much.
You posted this reply 4 mins after --- very quickly like all your other replies.
Are you even reading any articles on here that people write or just commenting as fast as you can, I would like to know.
i am streemely sorry i don,t understant that..but next time don,t be wrong..@dear
Help I have fluoride in my water and food.
Yep I was just watching a documentary all about the chemtrails spraying aluminum and fluoride and all of the awful effects of having on us and crops xcetera
I feel like xcetera should be spelled out more, just like the ingredients in our water.
Lol...okayyyy ☺☺
Mmm good, everthing a growing boy/girl needs. Call it the N.W.O multivitamin if you will. Bottoms up!!!