Pure coconut oil (VCO)

in #health7 years ago

Pure coconut oil (UK: virgin coconut oil) is a coconut oil made from fresh coconut raw materials, processed with controlled or no heating at all, without chemicals and RDB.

Coconut oil refining as above results in the essential compounds essential for the body to remain intact. Pure coconut oil with the main content of lauric acid has antibiotic, anti bacterial and fungal properties.
Pure coconut oil, or more commonly known as Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), is a modification of the coconut oil making process resulting in a product with low moisture content and free fatty acid content, clear, fragrant, and has a long enough storage from 12 months.

Making this pure coconut oil has many advantages, namely:

  • do not need expensive, because the raw materials easily available at a cheap price
  • processing is simple and not too complicated, as well as
  • use of minimal energy, because it does not use fuel, so
  • its chemical and nutrient content is maintained especially fatty acids in oil.

When compared with ordinary coconut oil, or often referred to as cooking oil (copra coconut oil), pure coconut oil has better quality. Copra coconut oil will be brownish yellow, smells fragrant, and easily rancid, so its shelf life does not last long (less than two months). From an economic point of view, virgin coconut oil has a higher selling price than copra coconut oil, so the VCO-making study needs to be developed.

Here are 50 benefits of VCO from research results and laboratory clinical trials:

  • Benefits of VCO Softens the skin and tightens the skin and the fat layer underneath. 
  • VCO Benefits For athletes and athletes Pure Coconut Oil can be a source of nutrients and quick energy.
  • Benefits of Pure Coconut Oil Kills viruses that cause mononucleosis, influenza, hepatitis C, chickenpox, herpes and other diseases.
  • Benefits of VCO Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose.
  • Benefits of VCO Clinical trials show that Pure Coconut Oil can kill various pneumonia-causing bacteria, earache, throat infection, cavities, food poisoning, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea, gangrenous injuries and so on.
  • Benefits of VCO Pure Coconut Oil has the ability to kill yeast and yeast which causes candida, jock itch, kadas, athletes foot, rashes due to sweat and diapers and other infections.
  • Benefits of VCO Even in the laboratory test findings Pure Coconut Oil is able to paralyze and kill tapeworms, lice, giardia and other parasites.
  • Benefits of Pure Coconut Oil Increases the energy and stamina that improve physical and athletic performance.

upports the natural chemical balance of the skin. Benefits of VCO Prevents wrinkles, sagging skin and aging spots.
Benefits of VCO Improves digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and amino acids.
The benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil VCO Helps relieve symptoms and reduce the health risks associated with diabetes.
Benefits of VCO Reduce interference associated with symptoms of digestive difficulties and cystic fibrosis. Prevents damage caused by ultraviolet radiation to the skin.
Benefits of VCO Improves calcium and magnesium absorption and supports the development of strong bones and teeth.
Benefits of VCO Helps protect against osteoporosis.
Benefits of VCO Pure Coconut Oil Helps relieve symptoms of bladder disease.

  • Benefits of VCO Relieves symptoms associated with Chron's disease, ulcerative colitis and stomach ulcers.
    Benefits of VCO Reducing chronic inflammation can also use VCO.
    Benefits of VCO Provides healthy hair appearance and not dry.
    Benefits of VCO Controlling dandruff.
    Benefits of VCO Helps to give vitality and feel younger.
    Benefits of VCO Rejects oxidation so as to provide protection against excessive oxidation.
    Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil VCO Supports healing and repair of body tissues.
    Benefits of VCO Supports and assists immune function.
    Benefits of VCO Helps protect the body from breast cancer, colon cancer and other cancers.
    Eating a VCO regularly is excellent for the heart; does not increase blood cholesterol or platelet stickiness.
    For you heart patients should be diligent to consume VCO to Help prevent heart disease, atherosclerosis and stroke.

For those of you who are elderly and suffering from hypertension you can drink VCO to help prevent high blood pressure. Benefits of VCO Helps prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay.
The benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil VCO Serves as a protective antioxidant. If you consume VCO regularly it can help protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and penya Hopefully useful thanks.